After a fantastic Christmas Eve and Christmas morning with the kids we wanted to get out, cuz it’s alwqys a letdown when the fun of a family Christmas is over, so we went to a movie.

Our first choices were sold out, so we saw ‘Bombshell’, the story of Roger Ailes and the clowns (criminals) at FOX, where the dirty old men used women as sex toys, preying on interns and those who wanted a career in TV.
Gretchen Carlson started the lawsuits with Megan Kelly and several others following their leads.

The movie would alternate between actual footage and actors made up to look like th clowns of aBullshit Mountain.
It should be required viewing for all the clueless, gullible sheep who get their ‘news’ from the Murdoch/Ailes substitute for a REAL news outlet.
Ther are also good shots/quotes from Dotard as he took over the formerly respectable Repub Party.

Good flick that will open your eyes to what happens at FOXNews, where even THEY couldn’t pretend to be ‘Fair and Balanced’ any more, as they chew through bimbos, then get a multi million dollar severance package when thy get caught. Roger Ailes and Bill O Reilly got $65,000,000 after FOX paid millions to their victims.

No wonder Dotard and Bullshit Mountain are joined at the hip, as they shovel the shit to the gullible sheep, who swallow it all......


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