What? The LYING pig lied AGAIN? Yup.

Among his MANY YUUGE lies, Dotard keeps claiming, and again today, that he called for killing Bin Laden before 9-11.
Like most of what the jackass says it’s a LIE, but he keeps repeating it, So the gullible sheep swallow it and repeat it.

AP Fact Check: Trump exaggerates about predicting bin Laden and 9/11 attacks

THE FACTS: It's not true.
His 2000 book, "The America We Deserve," makes a passing mention of bin Laden, and many others, but did no more than mention the al-Qaida leader. Never does he say in the book that bin Laden should have be killed, but that doesn’t stop him from claiming, repeatedly, that he called for Bin Laden to be killed.
Just another of the many LIES from the lying sack o shit, who lies like most of us breathe. Constantly.....
But why not? The gullible, ignorant sheep just swallow them and wait for more, while claiming how great he is.


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