
Showing posts from July, 2020

July 31, 2020. Dad woulda been 98

Happy Birthday, dad!

I a glimpse of the ‘tip of the iceberg’ we see how the Trumpies are handing out BILLIONS of dollars.

In a report released on Friday , the U.S. House Oversight Committee  accused the Trump administration  of “incompetent negotiating” for ventilators at the beginning of the coronavirus pandemic. The report found that failed negotiations on behalf of Trump administration officials led by U.S. trade advisor Peter Navarro “squandered” more than $500 million in taxpayer funds for the essential equipment. 

The Pubs are bitchin’ about ‘bailing out’ people with checks, cuz they will lose their desire to work.

Never mind that these people are hurting cuz of Dotard’s total incompetence, as he killed the Pandemic Response Team, ignored pandemic warnings for nearly two months and turned down the WHO’s offer of millions of test kits. Then the a-hole wouldn’t set a good example with social distancing and masks. Other than that, he’s been GREAT. Yup, the same Pubs who have propped up the same Repub farm states for YEARS, growing corn for ethanol we don’t need, especially now, see nothing wrong with the blue states paying the farm welfare of the red states, BUT, it gets worse. For over two years the Repub HYPOCRITES have sent subsidy checks to the farmers, for doing NOTHING, cuz Dotard has killed the International markets with his idiotic trade wars and ‘tariffs’ that the jackass doesn’t even know WHO PAYS! And that’s FINE with the jerks(R). BUT, ask for assistance after the Pub asshole’s incompetence cost you your job, and you’re a ‘welfare case’ according to the hypocrites. NOTHING is below these...

Knowing how the Repub ‘Dirty Tricksters’ work, I’d bet dollars to donuts that a large part of the rioters and looters, in Portland and elsewhere, have Repub backing.

It’s Dotard’s main election strategy, to be the Law and Order candidate, and that doesn’t work unless he has some rioters and looters to arrest. 100%? Nope, but a lot of them, I’d bet anything....

Dotard recently bitched about the fact that ‘nobody likes me’, BUT, they like Dr Fauci.

How refreshing to hear Donald Trump actually show some understanding, even if only partial. Trying to figure out why “nobody likes me,” Mr. Trump concluded, “it can only be my personality.” Indeed, Mr. Trump, your personality does explain, albeit not completely, your unpopularity. The very fact that you are discussing your unpopularity at a briefing about a catastrophic virus is itself evidence of the narcissism that partly explains that very unpopularity. Yet this horrid behavior is itself insufficient to explain why you are held in such low regard. A more complete explanation would surely include a consideration of your incompetence; your corruption; your general failure to grasp how viruses, tariffs, science and a host of other things work; your sexism; your homophobia; your support of white supremacists; your contempt for the majority of your constituents; and countless other aspects of your failed presidency. In sum, Mr. Trump, you are unpopular because of your myriad shortcomings...

Hear ye, hear ye hear ye, all you dumbass rightwingnuts!

Remember when you, rightfully so, freaked out about the 9-11 Twin Tower deaths? And then your dumbass prez(R), (actually The Dick), attacked Afghanistan, then Iraq, after 15 Arabs were the attackers? Well, you morons, we now have TWO 9-11’s, every week, cuz the jackass YOU elected is an incompetent jackass. But Putin LOVES him. Yup, your boy, unlike the leaders of the rest of the world, BLEW IT, Big Time, and now ‘we the people’ are paying for it, while you(R) have your heads buried, deeply and firmly, denying the facts. BUT, nothing new here, and if I gotta explain it, you won’t understand, as ALWAYS,

Dotard has an amazing ability to ‘put into words’ the EXACT claims against him.

BUT, the jackass really topped himself today, as he’s trying to get the election postponed. The dickhead said a bad election could be an ‘Embarrassment to America’, when he is the WORST EMBARRASSMENT EVER, to the US. Just ask 2/3 of the country or 95% of the world.  Worst ever, without a doubt, unless you LIKE Russian backed, Pathological LIARS. A great businessman?  Yeah, if you like a six times bankrupt a-hole, who can’t make CASINOS profitable, when he has the ONLY ones in the state? Yup, his leadership drove them into bankruptcy. Yup, he’s the HERO of the sheep and the ‘Christian’ Bible Belt, cuz he’s a great businessman. Can you say ‘gullible, ignorant HYPOCRITES?’

REALLY funny segment on The Daily Show, with the clowns from FOX.

The propagandists had one opinion about Federal troops being sent to Portland to ‘restore order’ under Dotard, and a TOTALLY DIFFERENT opinion about Obama sending federal troops restore order when the Bundies took over govt land. Trump is the savior of law and order, but Obama was an ‘out of control tyrant.’ No shit, the Bullshit Mountain buffoons were shown and heard beside their present and former broadcasts, as they praised Dotard for doing what they had railed against Obama for doing. AS IF we needed to be reminded what total HYPOCRITES the a-holes from the Repub Propaganda Network actually are. Nothing new here, but it was funny.....

Wow, if you wanna see the difference between an accomplished, intelligent speaker,

And an incompetent, LYING, stumbling PIG, just compare Obama’s address, today, to one of Dotard’s rambling, LIE-filled, third grade level diatribes. The difference is like night and day.... What kind of moron can compare the two and say, ‘Yup, the Russian backed, LYING ‘stable genius’ is MY GUY’. Oh yeah, the FOXSheep morons. Just remember the only difference between Trump and a Flying Pig...... The letter F.

The US is in a unique, enviable position, with the ‘Dollar’ being the reserve currency of the world, BUT,

With Dotard in charge, (and especially if the Russian backed, LYING conman was re=elected) we may well lose that position. We can, and do, write TRILLIONS in unbacked paper, and the world tries to keep up, BUT, if enough leaders get pissed off at Trump, and there are already a BUNCH of them that hate his fat ass, (for good reason), the US dollar could well be replaced, with the Euro or a basket of currencies, which is now being considered. The asshole in charge has pulled us out of the Trans Pacific Pact (with disastrous Ghana consequences), the Paris Accord which fights Climate Change, NAFTA, the Iraq Treaty, (which was a hard won, multinational, multi-year effort to contain Iraq’s nuclear capability), jerked us, and our funding, out of the World Health Organization, totally screwed up NATO, started a disastrous world-wide trade war, cut back on much needed US aid all over and thoroughly pissed off MOST of the world’s leaders, and people. The rightwingnut assholes act like, ‘We don’t ...

It just goes to prove how BAD Dotard is,

That we can look at GW Bush, who spoke at Sen John Lweis’ funeral today and think, ‘Wow, compared to the Russian backed, LYING conman in the White House today, GW wasn’t such a terrible president, (after he started the Iraq War, based on LIES, and totally wrecked our economy).

File it under, ‘Duh’, that Big Tech is biased against Conservatives

The very thing that makes them ‘Big Tech’, is that they believe in and use SCIENCE, while the typical dumbass Conservative fights science at every turn, denying Global Climate Change, Evolution and the science that showed COVID19 was gonna hit the US, and hit us HARD if we didn’t take adequate precautions like social distancing and wearing a MASK, which the (R) fought, tooth and nail, until the idiots in the red States began leading the US in deaths. A month ago Herman’s Caine was at Dotard’s rally in Tulsa, without a mask, and today he DIED from the virus. And a LOT of them(R) STILL have their heads up their asses. Yup, rightwingnuts, Big Tech is biased against you, cuz, in language even you should be able to understand, they are SMART and you AIN’T!

The clowns at FOX are bitchin’ cuz Big Tech is ‘censoring’ the ‘Drs’ they like.

Oh really? Seems Big Tech has much higher standards than FOXLies, as the Pub Propaganda Machine published, and Dotard reTweeted, the bullshit from his henchmen, (Yup, they are on Teump’s re-election team) who claimed a 100% success rate in curing 350 patients with Dotard’s favorite fake medicine, hydrochloroquine. AND, the idiot spokesperson claimed another cure, made with ‘alien DNA’, while spewing the rightwingnut’s pre-occupation with ‘demon possession’ upon unsuspecting humans. Yup, her bullshit was good enough for FOX and the rightwingnuts who swallow their crap, BUT, the FOXClowns got pissed pissed when Facebook and Twitter said, in so many words, ‘we ain’t publishing that bullshit’. Nothing new here, and if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand....

In keeping with their ‘Attack Dog’ for the Repub party policy, FOX has an ‘Anti-Ellen DeGeneres’ article nearly every day.

Ellen has the largest female audience of any TV show, and she hates Trump, for the same reasons 2/3 of us do, and it’s part of Bullshit Mountain’s duty to ‘take her down’. Dotard is doing very poorly among the suburban housewife genre, after four years of seeing his LYING and incompetenc, SO the clowns at FOX have her in their target. From a so-called toxic work environment, although she has the same people she’s had since she started, to today’s article about a show in 2013 which was ‘bizarre’, the attack dogs are trying to do their duty, but it’s mostly funny and sad as their motive is SO obvious and their facts SO lame. Nothing new here, though....

Just add it to my long list of ‘I told you so’.

As the rightwingnuts screamed and moaned about ‘kneeling’ athletes, saying they HATED America and Veterans, I said,’It’s NOT about hating America, it’s about police brutality and unaccountability’. Now, even the dumbass sheep oughta (not saying they all do) be able to see what was so obvious to so many, as many sporting events will begin with most of the team kneeling. It’s the same jackass mentality that couldn’t see that GW and The Dick we’re LYING about the War in Iran, as they killed and maimed THOUSANDS of Americans and hundreds of thousands of innocent Iraqis, for their bullshit war to drive up the price of oil, before totally wrecking the US economy in 2008. In hindsight it’s obvious, but the dumbass sheep couldn’t/wouldn’t see it or admit to it. Just like the Viet Nam War in my younger years. Any thinking, functioning mind could see it was a bullshit war, by Big Business and Big Defense Contractors to make YUUUUGE profits at the expense of young soldiers being killed and wounde...

Lookout Dr Fauci, Dotard is PISSED, cuz people like you, as much as they hate him, and the jackass can’t handle that.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease specialist and a leading voice in our battle against Covid-19, has gotten under Donald Trump’s skin. He won’t lie to make Trump look better or cover for the lies Trump tells. He won’t paint a rosy portrait of our prospects during the pandemic or offer excuses for the Trump administration’s failed response and all the thousands of lives needlessly lost. Fauci insists on following the science and telling the truth about it, and that means that the American people trust and respect him for it. But, this — being more popular and well-regarded than Trump — is heresy in this White House. There is but one king in that palace and all his dogs wear his collars. In that conception, Fauci is off the leash. Trump’s jealousies are so petty that when Fauci threw out the first pitch at Major League Baseball’s opening day at Nationals Park, Trump lied and said that he had been invited to throw out the first pitch at Yankee Stadium on Aug. 15. ...

The quintessential Repub loudmouth/moron, Louis Gohmert of Texas, just came down with COVID19 after being one Dotard’s main henchmen in denying the disease and it’s effects.

And what did the jerk(R) blame it on? The TX rightwingnut claimed he caught the virus ‘from wearing a mask’. This is the kind of ‘ass-backward’ thinking that has the southern states setting daily records for deaths and hospitalizations. BUT, go for it, you morons, the world will be a better place without you. Representative Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican who has frequently refused to don a face covering in the Capitol, confirmed on Wednesday that he had tested positive for the coronavirus before a planned trip with President Trump on Air Force One, and he blamed his diagnosis on wearing a mask.

Is Dotard REALLY that stooopid, or does he just think everyone else is? We know the sheep swallow his crap, but.....

The are asking $3 trillion, as a negotiation ‘starting point’, while the Pubs are offering $1 trillion, with no real negotiating, cuz they can’t agree amongst themselves, and the jackass in chief is on a totally different page, SOOOO, the bill that so many Americans so desperately need is just sitting on the Pubs’ desk, as Dotard says it is ‘semi irrelevant’. The Russian backed conman also had over a billion inserted for a new FBI building, (after calling them crooked and criminal for three years), that would enhance the value of his hotel. Click on READ MORE Those involved in the stalled negotiations say the new building is his ‘main concern’. But, back to his STOOPID comment, as the Dems want three times what the Pubs are offering. But the president signaled that he did not believe they had driven a hard enough bargain with Democrats. “The payments aren’t enough,” Trump said Wednesday, although it was not clear what payments he was referring to. “They’re not making them high enough. ...

Once again, I gotta ask....

What kind of person (idiot) can look at the Russian backed, morally and financial bankrupt Pathological Liar and away, ‘Yup, that’s my guy’, as the jackass has alienated nearly ALL of our ‘former’ allies around the world, while cozying up to Putin, Jong Un and other dictators and alienating all our former allies in Europe, Canada and Mexico. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.

This oughta be REAL interesting to see how Dotard reacts to the fact that Biden is WAY ahead in the polls.

As a ‘bsusinessman’ he has always just declared bankruptcy at this point, but that isn’t an option this time, OR, his backup plan to just ‘LIE his ass off’, but that ain’t gonna work either, cuz COVID19 doesn’t care about lies. He’s always got FOX, though, for the morons who just don’t care about ‘facts/reality.’ Oughta be interesting to see how the Russian backed Pathological LIAR does all he can to be re-elected. We may be looking at WAR with China, his favorite enemy, as he used them to wreck the world economy, before COVID even appeared, and it’s the obvious distraction for the ignorant, gullible sheep, who swallow the crap form Bullshit Mountain. 98 days. ANYTHING can happen, as the Russian backed mad dog is backed into a corner....

Here in Colorado we’re being SLAMMED by Repub money, in their attempt to get Cory Gardner, Dotard’s puppet, elected.

The Pubs BIG REVEAL? John Hickenlooper was convicted of two ‘fraud’ charges, out of 95 brought by the Pubs. He accepted a limousine ride, after paying for a ‘total package’ trip. He thought the limo was part of it. It wasn’t. The other charge? He accepted a ride on a private jet, and paid for it with a check, but it wasn’t ‘cashed’, by the people who asked him to speak. These are the charges hammered into the morons who support Cory Garner, who voted with Dotard 200% 0f the time. This is SO typical of Dotard’s people, who are reTweeting the ‘Dr’ who says the COVID vaccine uses ‘Alien DNA’. Google it! And you’ll find the same ‘Dr’ blames demons for health problems. Google it, morons....

Dotard is screaming for billions, to build a new FBI building, next to his Trump Hotel, ON THE SAME SPOT

Soooo the property cant be used to build a hotel, the obvious use of the property, cuz it would hurt his hotel And his minions(R) inserted it into the COVID bill. Are you shittin me? The jerks(R) aren’t even subtle any more. AND, the jerks(R) inserted BILLIONS for the Pub lobbyists and their bombs and bullets agenda, while the Dems are concentrating on those who lost their jobs and can’t pay for food and lodging. Some things never change, BUT, this makes it more obvious as the Pub lobbyists override the victims of Dotard’s ‘worst in the world’ COVID response. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.

After the success of FOXNews, the Repub Propaganda Network, the rightwing learned the importance of slanting and creating alternative ‘news’

SO, they acquired Sinclair News, who controls about 200 TV stations, and they aren’t shy about broadcasting pure LIES to the sheep who get their ‘news’ from the rightwing propaganda outlets. Sinclair Broadcast Group recently published  an online interview with a conspiracy theorist  who claimed that Dr. Anthony Fauci created the coronavirus using monkey cells. Sinclair — which operates almost 200 television stations — has also run segments  downplaying the severity of the virus . Fox News  has repeatedly run segments  promoting ideas that scientists consider false or that question the seriousness of the virus, including the Trump friendly doctors who falsely claimed a 100% success rate, curing coronavirus, with  a drug that the rest of the medical community considers worthless, or worse. The head Dr claims the vaccine is made from ‘alien DNA’ and that demons are involved. Trump has reTweeted their crap, before it was ‘pulled down’.

Anyone who pays attention knows there are jerks in politics AND some first class assholes.

Louis Gohmert, and his refusal to wear a mask, along with dozens of other ‘indiscretions’, fits into the latter category. That’s why this latest news was so good to hear. Rep. Louie Gohmert, a Texas Republican, has tested positive for the coronavirus after refusing to wear a mask on the House floor and around the Capitol, Politico  first reported  Wednesday.  Wow, if karma is real this jackass will have a long, painful dose of COVID19.....

The White House has shown a consistent disdain for science and scientists

And they are WAY to political to be trusted with the data from the COVID pandemic. That’s why several doctors and medical groups are concerned that the CDC has been ‘taken out of the loop’ and all info is to be sent to the Trumpies, who will decide what we should hear. Sorta like the Mueller report, where we STILL haven’t learned what was in it. The Trump administration  issued a new rule  this month requiring hospitals to shift reporting their daily data on COVID-19 hospitalizations directly to the Trump administration, instead of reporting it to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 

Am watching ‘Perry Mason’, a new series on HBO, starring John Lithgow, and it involves a cult, led by a woman who preys on the sheep.

It hits a little too close to home, cuz I’ve known too many who’ve put their brains on the shelf, as they’ve tried to secure a a better place in ‘the next life’, while sacrificing the only life they have, here on this beautiful earth. Repubs, through and through, who swallow Dotard’s crap, just like they mindlessly follow a whacked out cult leader, in another world where facts just don’t matter.

There are a LOT of factors in play, with the protests going on around the country, after cops have killed SO MANY without consequence.

The main difference, these days, is the prevalance of Smart Phome cameras showing the cops doing it. Throw in the pandemic, made SO MUCH WORSE by an incompetent asshole in the White House, with so many people who have no job, no money and nothing to do, SO, they go out to protest. Throw in the professional agitators, many being financed by $$$, to give Dotard a ‘reason’ to send in the troops, for Law and Order, although the big trouble starts once they get there. I hate the violence and destruction as much as anyone, but most of it can be traced to bad cops and bad decisions from the Russian backed, incompetent LIAR in the White House, who ignored the virus and tried to LIE his way out of it, which he does with everything elese. Surprise, COVID19 doesn’t swallow his crap, like the sheep(R) always do.

Dr Birx was on TV tonight, urging the MAYORS of the world to mandate mask wearing.

Yup, this is same woman(R), who works for Dotard(R), who WON’T make mask wearing mandatory. I would try to explain ‘irony’ to the sheep(R), but it’s kind of a complicated word, for the double digit IQ crowd....

THere’s a question we have to face now, so we’re ready when it happens.

Who’s gonna haul Dotard’s fat ass out of the White House, after he loses the election and refuses to leave? The jackass is laying the foundation now, talking about all the ‘fraud and cheating’ in the election process. AND, he’ll have a bunch of RightWIngNutJobs, armed to the teeth, at his beck and call. The same crazies who watch and swallow Bullshit Mountain crap and are the same ones who won’t wear a mask. Those crazies. I just hope someone’s preparing for the inevitable. He’s gonna lose, but that don’t mean he’s gonna leave.....

President Trump, amazing athlete that he is, has agreed to throw out the first pitch, for the New York Yankees home opener.


Dotard changed his mind about throwing out the first pitch at the Yankees home opener,

when he realized he can’t catch OR throw a ball. He admitted Dr Fauci’s throwing technique was better than his SOOO, he’s passing. Days after  saying he would throw out the first pitch at  Yankee Stadium in August, President Trump has taken it back.  President Trump no longer plans to throw out first pitch. Click on READ MORE

Two of Dotard’s supporters were denied access to a Walmart in Minnesota,

Minnesota couple wears Nazi face masks to Walmart after state mask mandate SOOO, the dumbass Repubs returned, wearing masks made from red and black Nazi Swastikas. As most of the country tries to fight the deadly pandemic, Dotard’s minions continue to show their ‘true colors’. “If you vote for [Joe] Biden, you’re going to be in Nazi Germany. That’s what it’s going to be like,” she said. Thanks again, FOXNews, for spreading your crap to the ignorant/gullible sheep.

In a reign of error that is FILLED with Lies and incompetence,

it is hard to find Dotard’s worst mitake(s). Many would say it was his ‘asleep at the wheel’ attitude as he fired the Pandemic Response Team, ignored the WHO’S warning about the coming pandemic and refused their offer of millions of test kits. Because of his inaction and incompetence tens of thousands more Americans have died and the economy has been shut down for who knows how long. All because the ass-hole thought he could bluff and LIE his way through it, as he does everything else. Others say his bigget blunder was withdrawing from the Trans Pacific Partnership, a decades long effort to monitor and control China’s influence in East Asia and the Pacific Rim. Like the Paris Accord and the Iran Pact, the stupid jackass just QUIT and went home, cuz he couldn’t personally control the pacts and treaties that had taken people WAY SMARTER than the dumbass MANY years to put together. Now, it’s coming back to bite us, as China is flexing it’s muscles and taking over the Numero Uno spot...

It seems like FOREVER that Dotard has been in charge, installed by the Russians and Bible Belt,

But, it’s now ONE HUNDRED DAYS until we can vote out the Pussy Grabber. The morally, and many time financially BANKRUPT conman who fooled enough sheep, with the backing of Roger Ailes’ answer to real news. The Pathological Liar is sinking like a stone in ALL the polls, but he and the Pubs will stop at nothing to keep their power, as they control TRILLIONS of dollars from the US Treasury. 100 days. and we can get our coutry back from ‘Putin’s Choice’, for the US President. Show me where I’m wrong, rightwingnutjobs, as ALL US Intel says the Russians backed the NYC conman, whom they have financed, and he’s laundered their rubles. Remember when the Pus would have a problem with the Russkies picking our prez?

‘Putin’s People’, is a well researched book on Putin and the oligarchs who surround him.

This Russian wealth was Trump’s money-source when no one else would touch him. Putin’s People” ends with a chapter on Donald Trump, and what Belton calls the “network of Russian intelligence operatives, tycoons and organized-crime associates” that has encircled him since the early ’90s. The fact that Trump was frequently overwhelmed by debt provided an opportunity to those who had the cash he desperately needed.  That’s when they got their hooks in him. Remember when the Republicans would have had a problem with this?

Dotard just had a GREAT idea! He’s gonna get out his Sharpie, like he did with the National Weather Service forecast map,

And he’s gonna ‘black out’ the areas with the worst COVID19 infections. Genius! If the virus is as gullible as his FOXSheep followers, he’s on his way to wiping out the pandemic, which he should have done when it was first reported, instead of ignoring/LYING about it. What kind of morons believe this Pathological LIAR? Oh yeah....

File it under, ‘Duh’, BUT, it’s Good News! Let ‘em infect each other, and the world will be a better, stronger place.

A study has found that people who identify as right-wing politically are more reluctant to wear face covers to stop the spread of coronavirus . Researchers in the UK and US discovered that those who were more right-leaning were more likely to agree that wearing a covering is “not cool”, “shameful” and a “sign of weakness”. It comes as people will need to wear a face covering in shopping centres, banks, takeaway outlets, sandwich shops and supermarkets under new regulations due to come into force in England on Friday.

With all the bad news during these dark days of Dotard’s reign, it’s nice to hear some Good News.

According the the Conservative Cook Political Report, the Dems are poised to take the Senate, along with the presidency. Democrats Poised to Regain Control of Senate Democrats are poised to take back the Senate on Election Day, which is a little over 100 days away,  according to The Cook Political Report . "Something remarkable would have to happen for Republicans to still have control of the Senate after November," one GOP pollster said. "It's grim. There's just so many places where Democrats either have the upper hand or are competitive in states that six months ago we wouldn't have considered at risk." As the pandemic has dragged on and social justice unrest grew after the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery has shifted momentum back in the favor of the Democrats, according to The Cook Political Report. 

Am watching the first game of the Colorado Rockies,

Which happens to be at the Brand New, Billion dollar Texas Ranger Home Field. And I wonder how much $$$ changed hands, between Texas oil money and the MLB Umpires assoc. The dickhead behind home plate isn’t even trying to be subtle, while making sure the First Ever home game of the Texas Rangers ain’t gonna be a loss. There are two separate strike zones. One for Rockies at bat, where anything within a foot is a called a strike. And then there’s the home team strike zone. Right down the middle, or it’s a ball. When the strike zone is highlighted on the TV screen, it ain’t that hard to see.... It will be REALLY embarrassing for the ‘homer’ ump to see on his DVR. Maybe illegal... It’s what I hate about major league sports. The officiating is (too often) obviously For Sale, esp when you are in Texas. Three times, so far, with a called strike three, when the ball is obviously out of the strike zone, Game’s not over yet, 0-0 in the fifth, but it’s sickening. OK, in the nint...

Wow, a step toward the new reality.

The Rockies are starting their sixty game season. At this point it’s all baby steps, BUT, this live sports venue is a start, toward the ‘new abnormal’. Sorta like having a Russian backed NYC conman as prez, who LIES like most of us breaths, The new normal, BUT so crazy....

There was a time I couldn’t stand the morons(R) who wouldn’t wear a Mask. Now I like ‘ em.

Cuz those morons are gonna infect other like-minded morons. YEA Darwin! This is exactly how our species gets better, and survives. Hasta la vista, morons(R).

How insecure, or STOOPID, do you have to be, to keep telling everyone how smart you are?

I know words, I have the best words. I have a very BIG brain. I’m like REALLY smart. ‘I ACED a test- person, woman, man, camera TV’, (actually, just what he was seeing, at the moment), that was designed to see if you’ve got dementia. ‘The doctors were SO impressed’, (like the morons who swallow your crap on FOX). I’m a stable genius! Inject yourself with disinfectant. Congrats for electing this clown, you gullible, ignorant morons.....

Person, woman, man, camera, TV According to Dotard, if you can remember those words, you are a JENIUS, like him.

Here’s three words that affect us more. Pandemic Response Team. Those are three words the FOXSheep won’t hear, cuz it’s really embarrassing for the clowns. That’s what we DON’T have, cuz Dotard KILLED it, and now wow have over 140,000 deaths, and counting, at over 1000 per day, while the coronavirus is basically OVER in Europe, where they have competent leadership. You’re welcome, ignorant, gullible sheep.

Click on the Creepy Trump video, that’s going viral, for good reason, and see the ‘Christian’s/Russian’s Choice for prez

The so-called  "Creepy Trump"  video. Click on the blue....

For the FOX crowd, that isn’t exposed to the truth, here’s a chart, (daily cases, March through the present) showing the difference between competent leadership, in EU, vs incompetence under Dotard, who ignored/LIED about pandemic, while Europe was dealing with it.


What’s a Yoho? A new crap-filled Twinkie product?

OR a misogynist, racist, Republican pig, that’s white on the outside and a LIAR on the inside, denying he called a Congresswoman a ‘fucking bitch’ when several people heard him? It’s the typical Pub strategy. Lie and deny, when caught. Why not? It works for the gullible ignorant sheep who get their ‘news’ from FOX. The  jerk(R), in his LYING denial, claims he has a wife and daughters, so he COULD’NT have said that, but does ANYONE believe him? Other than the uninformed/ignorant/gullible sheep, I mean.......

Does anyone, except for the ignorant/gullible FOXSheep believe Dotard’s outrageous claims about the virus, in the Northeast and the West?

NO! President Donald Trump  says the country is doing great  in a pandemic that just infected its  four millionth US victim  and is killing 1,000 people a day. But his claim is based on a brazen confidence trick, requiring Americans to ignore his responsibility for the spike in the southern and western states as he claims credit for the success of northeastern states that suppressed the disease after not heeding his advice to reopen before the virus was under control.

I see that the ‘Christian Leaders’ are leaning on Joe about abortion rights. THe same people who claim being gay is a CHOICE, but a woman’s right to choose doesn’t matter.

These are the same people who support the twice divorced, Pussy Grabbing, porn star paying, Russian backed, morally (and 6 times financially) bankrupt Pathological Liar. If I was Joe I’d tell the Hypocrites to kiss my ass.

Again I say, if I got my ‘news’ from FOX, I’d hate Dems too, and vote for Dotard just so the Liberals couldn’t wreck our country.

BUT, I don’t choose to get my news from a Network created and supported by a Political Party. Roger Ailes began the glitzy alternative to ‘news’ as part of his Chief Political Strategist job and the Pubs answer to ‘what they wish was the news’ took off with the crowd that that would rather see/hear the Pubs answer to reality. In their alternative fact world, the Russians didn’t back Dotard, although all 17 US Intel agencies say they did. Ever wonder WHY, dipsticks? No way is Biden, or the Dems, gonna take anyone’s guns, even if some lame Texan, Beto O’Rourke claimed that HE would. Just like Joe isn’t for defunding the police, as the Lying Pub ads would have you believe. The same ads, made for the ‘bottom of the barrel morons’ have the emergency Ph# 911 disconnected under Dem police cuts. Just like Dotard says windmills cause cancer and ‘clean coal’ is better than natural gas, it’s all LIES, for the morons who swallow Bullshit Mountain bullshit. But, everyone knows it’s crap. It’s...

Students of history remember the ‘Trashing of America’. Began when a TOTAL of 180,000 people,spread of three Rust Belt states,

With the help of the Russians, FOXNews and the Bible Belt brainiacs gave us the incompetent, NYC conman/Pathological Liar in the White House. Now according to FOX (probably a lie, to fire up his base) those three states are all leaning toward Biden, by approx 10% each, after seeing the damage a moron like Dotard can do. Dotard’s main support comes from uneducated whites, the category into which ‘racists’ , (his base, with the Thumpers), fall. Fox News Poll: Biden tops Trump in battlegrounds Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania

Check out the cartoons that the FOXSheep will never see. I like Dotard’s Cognitive Test. Click on READ MORE


In a typical example of how the Trumpies(R) WASTE money, throwing millions to their buddies,

We just found out that the imbeciles awarded $21,000,000 to study the effects of Pepsi’s, the over the counter antacid, to fight the COVID19 Virus! Surprise! It didn’t work, BUT,  the notoriously ANTI-Science Pubs did get over $20 million to show what anyone/everyone with a functioning bran (FOXSheep obviously excluded) already knew. We’d know MORE of these scams and fiascos, but Dotard has FIRED the Inspector Generals who were tasked with watching who gets the $$$ that Dotard and his pals shovel to his friends and allies. The Pepcid project has underscored what critics describe as the Trump administration’s casual disregard for science and anti-corruption rules that are meant to guard against taxpayer dollars going to political cronies or to fund projects that aren’t rigorously designed. Pepcid as a virus remedy? Trump officials’ $21M gamble fizzled By Richard Lardner and Jason Dearen The Associated Press As the coronavirus began its deadly march through the world, t...

Just a thought here...

I would LOVE to get the mailing list of the gullible sheep who swallow the ‘soon to be 20,000 LIES of the Liar in Chief. The same crowd who listen to/believe the TV preachers. You know, the money grabbers who lay their hands on the spawn of Satan and ‘prey’ with him. How ignorant/gullible are the minons who can look at that Lying Piece of Shit and say, ‘Yup, tht’s my guy’. I could sell them a bridge in Brooklyn, swamp land in FL, oceanfront property in Kansas, a new Rolex for $19.99 and a GUARANTEE to get them a triple digit IQ1 If they swallow FOX/Dotard crap, they’ll swallow ANYTHING1

It’s always SO laughable, when the same morons who thought, ‘That War in Viet Nam is a GREAT idea’,

And thought the same thing about GW and The Dick’s LIES to get a War based in Iraq was so smart, and thought Sarah Palin would make a GREAT President, and support the Russian backed Pussy Grabber, swallowing the crap from FOX as ‘news’,  while being slapped in the face with the reality of COVID19, after swallowing the crap from Dotard for months. These cretins act like they have the moral authority to denounce the Dems for not going along with their CRAP, which has been proven WRONG, every time history speaks. Screw Dotard, and the ignorant, gullible, misguided, uninformed sheep he rode in on.

Dotard is FINALLY pretending to come around, and believe the FACTS that he has DENIED for so long. He’s acting like he believes the SCIENCE of coronavirus.

As a typical Pub, the asshole didn’t believe in the Pandemic (HOAX), or in Climate Change (HOAX!) or the FACT that the Russians helped to elect the asshole. (Oops, can’t call that a hoax, when ALL SEVENTEEN of the US Intel Agencies agree) BUT, the ignorant jerks(R) still think being gay is a choice, BUT, a woman controlling her own body ISN’T a CHOICE. Bottom Line, F**k em(R) all. All the ignorant, gullible morons. I can’t say F**k? How about the FL Congressman Yoho, who called the Dem Congress woman a ‘Fucking Bitch?’ The LYING jerk ( a prerequisite of being a Pub?) denied it, until witnesses came forward. Then, the asshole apologized, saying it’s cuz of his ‘passion’ and ‘loving his Gawd’. (No shit, that was his excuse). Again, screw em all, and may all the science doubters get COVID and prove Darwins’s Law. You still wonder WHY I can’t stand the HYPOCRITICAL douchebags?

Dotard is bragging about ‘Acing’ his cognitive test, which was the Montreal Cognitive Assessment ,

which is mainly used to detect dementia, (a great idea for the Orange Clown), not intelligence. He claimed to have gotten ‘all 35’ questions right, but there’s only 30. SOOO, we know he’s LYING like he ALWAYS does. You can Google it, like I did, and find out if you are a stable genius, like Dotard. It seems I am a Bigly Genius, cuz I got all thirty, as I think most people could. The jackass said, ‘The last five were REALLY hard’. And they probably were, for him..... Just how Stooopid do you have to be, to think the Pussy Grabber is SMART? Oh yeah, a typical FOXSheep.....

As coronavirus is spreading like Dotard’s ass on a lawn chair,

the jerk had a ‘virus-side chat’, telling his lies to whoever will swallow them. He was ‘Socially Distancing’ himself from all blame for the pandemic that he ignored for two months, while the competent leaders of the world were preparing to protect their citizens. He actually said, ‘We are planning to develop a strategy that will be very powerful’. No shit? Six months in, the jackass is planning to develop a strategy! And the sheep swallow this crap, as he ‘covers his ass’, and FINALLY was seen covering his face, WAY too late for the morons that follow his lead instead of wearing face masks, that could have saved so many....

Even Dotard’s smart enough to read the writing on the wall, and that writing says, ‘You’re gonna loses, dumbass’.

SOOO, the jerk is setting the stage to say ‘Fraud’, just like he did when he lost the last popular vote by three MILLION votes. ‘There were Five Million fraudulent votes’, was the quote he pulled out of his fat ass, and the morons who swallow his crap believed it. BUT, the commission he set up for Voter Fraud quietly packed their tent when they found the ‘Fraud’ came from the mouth of the jackass in the White House. Now, the Liar in Chief is setting up the sheep by whining about ‘mail-in vote fraud’, with ZERO evidence. BUT, it will give him something to bitch about, and maybe ‘refuse to leave’ when he loses the next election. I can hear him now. ‘Voter fraud, especially MAIL IN votes’. We’ve had it for everyone here in Colorado for about six years, and most of us for about twelve, with NO PROBLEMS, but that doesn’t fit the narrative of Dotard, Rush and Sean, SO, the sheep blindly swallow and follow, as they’ve been trained to do, and bitch about ‘fraudulent mail in votes’. Some ...

In the fantasy world inhabited by FOXSheep and the Pubs

Rand Paul can call out Gov Cuomo, (as New York is one of the nations’ few states to successfully fight the pandemic), while Dotard’s and the Pubs response has been catastrophic. Yup, Rand Paul, the moron from Kentucky, called Cuomo’s actions ‘disastrous’, BUT, the jackass totally overlooks the Liar in Chiefs incompetent performance, that has cost tens of thousands of lives. Typical bullshit from the rightwingnuts, who have made obfuscation a cornerstone of their message to the ignorant, gullible sheep, who’ll fall for ANYTHING that makes Dems look bad, while they ignore the facts right under their noses, as Bullshit Mountain dangles the ‘shiny object’ of Portland demonstrations while the US sets new records of COVID deaths Every Day! Same old shit from the same old bullshitters. And why not? It totally works with the FOXSheep morons......

Watching the news, seeing the graphs and hearing the question.

WHY is the US doing SO BAD with the pandemic when the rest of the world basically has it behind them, It hit Europe at about the same time, and they are over it, while it’s getting WORSE in the US. The answer is EASY. It’s Trump/FOX/Pubs. The dumbshits can’t handle reality. They think they can ignore reality and LIE about it, like they do facts they don’t like. Calling it FAKE. But the virus is different. It doesn’t give a shit about the LIES from FOX and Dotard. Show me where I’m wrong! BUT, if I gotta explain it, you won’t understand, you gullible, ignorant sheep. Don’t believe me? Look at any chart or graph about the coronavirus, that Dotard and the dumbasses from the Red States can’t understand, cuz it’s SCIENCE, and they just don’t get it..... Nothing new here.

Just a thought, for the rightwingnuts ‘out there’,

Because of Dotard’s incompetence, LIES and inaction, Americans are dying at the rate of TWO 9-11’s  per week. Other nations, with responsible leadership, have effectively put the pandemic behind them Not Dotard’s country, where the Russian backed jackass was installed thanks to the Bible Belters and FOXLies. Thanks again, idiots....

Just a thought, about Dotard and his minions....

How stooooopid do you have to be, to think that asshole is SMART? Kanye is one crazy, incompetent SOB, but he’s a yuuuge upgrade from the current jerk(R). What a choice for the hardcore morons.... This just in: The Conman in Chief is leaning on the US Ambassador to the UK, to get the British Open steered to Dotard’s course at Turnberry. Unbelievable, SOOO crooked and so typical of the Asshole in Chief....

Dotard had a speech today, six months after the first COVID death in the US, that the jackass should have had five months ago.

Among MANY LIES, ( ‘we are doing better than most’, OH REALLY?), the Liar in Chief had a moment of truth. “It will get worse before it gets better,” Trump said of the pandemic that has infected close to 4 million Americans. “That’s something I don’t like saying but it is.” Will the gullible, ignorant sheep come around to reality, now? Maybe, but they ain’t known for their smarts, OBVIOUSLY, cuz they are Dotard’s people. Bottom line, the dumbass FINALLY is calling for masks, too little too late, BUT, it’s mainly the dumbshits who swallow his crap are that are the ones that are gonna get sick and die, but, there is collateral damage among people who KNOW he’s full of shit and have been following the rules that HE and his minions have ignored If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand and are probably at risk in this pandemic, more so than those who watch ‘real’ news. Another bottom line....Darwin RULES!

My long term readers know I have pushed precious metal, esp silver, as an investment.

Well, that advice, worth exactly what you paid for it, is looking better every day, as Dotard’s policies and (non)actions have wrecked the US and world economies, even before his bullshit pandemic policies stuck a fork in them. Gold soared to a nine-year peak on Tuesday, boosted by a dollar sell-off and expectations for increased stimulus to aid the recovery of pandemic-hit economies, while silver dashed past the $20 threshold to an over six-year high. (Since this article came out this morning, silver is up another $1.60/oz. (Thanks, Dotard) This just in, it’s up another $1.10/oz. Thanks again, Dotard...

It’s well known that Dotard can’t stand ‘pets’, probably cuz he has no warmth to share, AND, he can’t order them around.

 “It’s time we put a pet back in the White House.” In 2021 when we’re fighting about the new administration’s health care legislation I can always remind you that a man who loves animals can’t be all bad. I’m cool with any kind of slobbering, barking creature in the White House so long as it isn’t also the president.

Hey, Jackass, you don’t need any help to ‘Look Bad’.


Dotard had another great quote, that showed, again, “I know words, I have the best words, I’m like really smart, a stable genius’.

THe jackass was trying to defend keeping the names of Confederate Generals on US military bases. His ‘really smart’ words? ‘From these bases, we’ve won two REALLY BEAUTIFUL  world wars.’ Yup, that’s how a stable genius talks....

As I was approaching Rocky Mntn Regional Airport in Broomfield, today, I snapped this pic Of Golden, CO, with Table Mesa, Coors, Colo Schoolof Mines and other local sights. Great place to live....


THe Dotard/FOX/Repub (one and the same) strategy for defeating Biden has been shown.

The Liar in Chief and his minions are trying to paint ALL Dems like the Far Far Left, (infiltrated by Rightwing moles, to cause maximum trouble) who loot and burn and try to get rid of police. Such a YUUUUGE Lie, but it’s what the Liars are going with and the sheep are swallowing, as the real Dems are trying for fiscal responsibility, health coverage, QUALIFIED APPOINTEES, a non Russian chosen president who doesn’t LIE CONSTANTLY and will show his tax returns. Someone who doesn’t deal with the Russian Mafia to finance his ‘empire’. Someone who doesn’t play the Bible Belters as his own ‘inside joke’. Someone our former allies don’t HATE, while the world citizens wonder, ‘WTF happened to the US? COVID has taken the attention from the world economy that Dotard wrecked, along with the US farmer’s markets. As always though, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.....

Too soon to say for sure, cuz we all remember when Hillary beat Dotard by three million votes, but it wasn’t enough. This is looking better though, as the Liar in Chief keeps sinking, among those with a functioning brain....


FINALLY! THe Dumbass in Chief has been seen in a mask.

WOW! A mask instead of a Chlorox injection. Or bright lights inside the body? The jackass has finally come around, sort of, after it’s SO obvious even a d-bag like the Orange Clown can see the advantage of everyone wearing a face covering. Even the jerks(R) from FL, AZ and TX might see the reality that the nonFOXSheep have known for months. Never, that I can remember, has an issue so separated those with a functioning brain, from the Bullshit Mountain, Dotard Crap swallowing ignorant, gullible masses. Too little, too late, but a start.....

The Russian backed con man does SO MUCH incompetent, disastrous bullshit, that it’s hard to keep track,

BUT, this is some of the worst. The jackass is rerouting all the COVID facts and info into his incompetent White House, filled with political hacks, instead of educated professionals. If you don’t understand, you ain’t trying, with your head buried deeply and firmly.

Every few years, it’s the same old crap. The Dems have to clean up the yuuuge MESSS that’s left by the Pubs.

All the way back to Nixon, then Reagan’s irresponsible tax cuts while spend Billions on the arms race that the country didn’t have. Then there was the Savings and Loan fiasco of GWHBush, and the economy the GW and The Dick inherited from Clinton, and ran into the ground, with the worst recession since the Big D. Now, Dotard has taken the finely oiled machine, purring along from the Obama years and created seas of Red Ink with YUUUUGE spending while cutting taxes for Big Business and his buddies in the one %.. Not to mention the YUUGE MESS he’s made of the pandemic, as Europe is coming out while we since ever deeper, after the jerk killed the Pandemic Response Team, withdrew from WHO and is crippling the CDC while undermining all his experts. Same old shit from the Republicans, who claim ‘fiscal responsibility’, while doing just the opposite, every time. Democrats keep having to clean up Republican messes. When is our turn to advance America? A President Biden would face extraord...

You’d have to ask Dotard and his ignorant minions WHY? But the jerks(R) are blocking coronavirus funds, agreed upon by the Pubs and Dems in the Senate.

The White House is trying to block billions of dollars for coronavirus testing and contact tracing in the upcoming stimulus relief bill, two Republican sources told NBC News, even as infections surge across the country and Americans face long wait times to receive test results amid high demand.  

Dotard just confirmed what I’ve been saying for months.

IF/when he gets beaten in the November election, he ain’t leaving. He’ll claim fraud, like he did when he WON, (five million ILLEGAL votes!), and the Russian backed conman will dig in, with FOX and Twitter proclaiming the FRAUD, and the jackass will have to be forcible removed from the Oval Office. I’m not sure how it will be done, or WHO will do it, but I hope someone is making contingency plans to get his Fat Ass out of the White House, cuz it ain’t gonna be easy, esp with the rightwingnutjobs who will obviously flock around him, many of them armed. It ain’t gonna be pretty..... Trump Won’t Say Whether He Will Accept 2020 Election Results: ‘I Have To See’ During an interview with “Fox News Sunday,” the president claimed again without evidence that mail-in voting will “rig” the election.

Dotard was on FOX today, as ALWAYS, and was lobbed a bunch of softball questions.

One of them concerned Joe Biden, and the clown answered, -   TRUMP:  “Let Biden sit through an interview like this, he’ll be on the ground crying for mommy. He’ll say mommy, mommy, please take me home.” This is the world that Dotard and the sheep live in. Make believe.....

Anyone can make it more complicated, but there are two types of people in the US today.

Those who look at Dotard and see a Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing, LYING, tax hiding, vain, arrogant, incompetent NYC conman. And those gullible, ignorant FOXSheep who look at the lying pig and say, ‘That’s my guy’. There is a chasm between us, wider than any earthly canyon. I say screw them, and hopefully I never have to waste any of my valuable time, here on earth, with any of those morons. Other than that, I don’t really have an opinion about the Liar in Chief......

One post today, from the heart.

How can anyone look at Dotard and say, Yup, that’s my guy? We know he’s a Russian backed HYC conman, where the people who knew him gave the jerk 15% of the vote, BUT, the sheep who swallow FOXCrap elected the LIAR. Bible Belt morons, who get their welfare payment from the Blue States, and their ‘news’ from Roger Ailes’ creation. Show me where I’m wrong, you gullible, ignorant sheep.....

I’ve never done this before, BUT, I’m dedicating today to John Lewis, a true American Hero,

Who lived his life fearlessly, getting the crap beat out of him, by Southern Redneck/Racists. It’s easy to talk the talk, but he walked the walk, for a LIFETIME. He gave his body for the right to vote, getting his skull cracked by Georgia cops, while other Freedom Marchers’ bodies were never found. It’s life in the South, with the same Bible Belters who gave us Donald Trump. Racist Hypocrites who thump their Good Book while living a life that their Jesus would ‘toss from the Temple’. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.

If I swallowed the crap from FOX, I’d hate Dems too,

But, the facts are: The Blue States PAY for the Red States. Over 90% of the top PAYERS are Blue. Over 90% of the TAKERS are Red. Google it, any way you want, IF you’re able. Red State/Bible Belters are notoriously computer illiterate, uneducated and the LOWEST income. Wow, I’m SHOCKED! AND, they get their ‘news’ from a Propaganda Source. Who da thunk.....

How stupid/ignorant/gullible do you have to be, to listen to a dumbass like Dotard who says...

Trump said: “Hey, Dr. Fauci said don’t wear a mask. Our Surgeon General – terrific guy – said don’t wear a mask. Everybody who is saying don’t wear a mask – all of sudden everybody’s got to wear a mask, and as you know masks cause problems, too.” This was Fauci’s quote from February, at the same time the Liar in Chief was talking about ‘15 people, and next week it will be one’. Like I say, how stupid etc.... BUT, you just gotta be a typical FOXSheep, with your head buried firmly and deeply, which is the way most of the sheep live. Ignorant and uninformed getting their ‘News’ from the Repub Propaganda Network. Thanks again, Roger Ailes, you paid, professional, political LIAR! Your sheep compare an educated, intelligent, experienced Doctor, against a LYING conman, who cares ONLY about himself and reelection, and you dumbshits choose the Liar in Chief. We can only hope Darwin’s Evolutionary Laws cleanses our species. It has worked for millions of years, and ain’t gonna stop now, a...

I was gonna post about, ‘How the Hell did wearing a mask, the most OBVIOUS protection against COVID19, become a POLITICAL issue?

And then I realized the power of the Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing LYING NYC conman, over the gullible, ignorant sheep, and I realized exactly what’s wrong with our country today. Never mind. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand.

Less than a week after posting that COVID19 is a Hoax, and a bunch of other BS that Dotard reTweeted, Chuck Woolery’s son came down with the virus, and RedNeck dumbass totally changed his tune. If only it could happen to ALL the ignorant jerks who spread misinformation.....


Victim? I don’t see no stinking victims!


Repubs are such HYPOCRITES!

They claim to hate welfare, unless they are a farmer, hurt by Dotard’s China policies. They claim to be Christians, led by a Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing, morally bankrupt Pathological Liar. They claim to care about life, IF it’s a fetus. BUT, if it means wearing a mask, to protect others, then they don’t give a shit. Cuz wearing a mask makes them admit that COVID19 is REAL, and the jerks don’t wanna do that. Cuz that means their boy REALLY screwed up, and the sheep won’t do that. They don’t even wanna talk about it. They’ll talk about Goya beans, and do infomercials from the White House, but the pandemic is off the table. Walmart requires masks, but Pub govs won’t. I’ve seen the Walmart crowd in Red States, where you can’t get two of the whales past each other in a six foot aisle. There’s gonna be problems, when the sheep(R) gotta wear a mask to buy their Twinkies and Snickers. And now the jerks(R) are SUING to spread their respiratory droplets on innocent people. Moron...

What an idiot!

Just saw Dotard bragging about the market today, and the dumbass mentioned the NASDAQ. It’s pronounced Nazz Dack. But the dickwad called it Nass Dag, TWICE! Absolutely clueless......

Mike Huckabee’s History For Kids Company Accused Of Scamming Parents Learn Our History’s $1 gift promotion comes with a hidden (and costly) catch.

Bottom line, whoever’s stupid and gullible enough to sigh up for Mike Huckabee’s crap deserves to be scammed. “Mike Huckabee’s team created ‘The Kids Guide to President Trump,’ and that’s why we’re making it free.” But the offer is far from free. Parents across the country described a bait-and-switch scheme that they said duped them into signing up for $20-per-month subscriptions without their knowledge. Many said that Learn Our History ignored their repeated requests to cancel the subscriptions, leaving them locked into payments for products that they never wanted in the first place — all so their children can learn Huckabee’s version of history, which critics described as “ pretend ,” “ kiddie propaganda ” and “ full of Christian nationalist revisionism and right-wing political propaganda.”