Even Dotard’s smart enough to read the writing on the wall, and that writing says, ‘You’re gonna loses, dumbass’.

SOOO, the jerk is setting the stage to say ‘Fraud’, just like he did when he lost the last popular vote by three MILLION votes.
‘There were Five Million fraudulent votes’, was the quote he pulled out of his fat ass, and the morons who swallow his crap believed it. BUT, the commission he set up for Voter Fraud quietly packed their tent when they found the ‘Fraud’ came from the mouth of the jackass in the White House.
Now, the Liar in Chief is setting up the sheep by whining about ‘mail-in vote fraud’, with ZERO evidence. BUT, it will give him something to bitch about, and maybe ‘refuse to leave’ when he loses the next election.
I can hear him now. ‘Voter fraud, especially MAIL IN votes’.
We’ve had it for everyone here in Colorado for about six years, and most of us for about twelve, with NO PROBLEMS, but that doesn’t fit the narrative of Dotard, Rush and Sean, SO, the sheep blindly swallow and follow, as they’ve been trained to do, and bitch about ‘fraudulent mail in votes’.
Some things never change, as the sheep have No Problem with the Russian backed, Pussy Grabbing, Pathological Liar.


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