In the fantasy world inhabited by FOXSheep and the Pubs

Rand Paul can call out Gov Cuomo, (as New York is one of the nations’ few states to successfully fight the pandemic), while Dotard’s and the Pubs response has been catastrophic.
Yup, Rand Paul, the moron from Kentucky, called Cuomo’s actions ‘disastrous’, BUT, the jackass totally overlooks the Liar in Chiefs incompetent performance, that has cost tens of thousands of lives.
Typical bullshit from the rightwingnuts, who have made obfuscation a cornerstone of their message to the ignorant, gullible sheep, who’ll fall for ANYTHING that makes Dems look bad, while they ignore the facts right under their noses, as Bullshit Mountain dangles the ‘shiny object’ of Portland demonstrations while the US sets new records of COVID deaths Every Day!
Same old shit from the same old bullshitters.
And why not?
It totally works with the FOXSheep morons......


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