Every few years, it’s the same old crap. The Dems have to clean up the yuuuge MESSS that’s left by the Pubs.

All the way back to Nixon, then Reagan’s irresponsible tax cuts while spend Billions on the arms race that the country didn’t have. Then there was the Savings and Loan fiasco of GWHBush, and the economy the GW and The Dick inherited from Clinton, and ran into the ground, with the worst recession since the Big D.
Now, Dotard has taken the finely oiled machine, purring along from the Obama years and created seas of Red Ink with YUUUUGE spending while cutting taxes for Big Business and his buddies in the one %.. Not to mention the YUUGE MESS he’s made of the pandemic, as Europe is coming out while we since ever deeper, after the jerk killed the Pandemic Response Team, withdrew from WHO and is crippling the CDC while undermining all his experts.
Same old shit from the Republicans, who claim ‘fiscal responsibility’, while doing just the opposite, every time.

Democrats keep having to clean up Republican messes. When is our turn to advance America?

A President Biden would face extraordinary damage and repair jobs at home and abroad. Democrats must hammer this home to voters and stop the cycle.


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