The Pubs are bitchin’ about ‘bailing out’ people with checks, cuz they will lose their desire to work.

Never mind that these people are hurting cuz of Dotard’s total incompetence, as he killed the Pandemic Response Team, ignored pandemic warnings for nearly two months and turned down the WHO’s offer of millions of test kits. Then the a-hole wouldn’t set a good example with social distancing and masks. Other than that, he’s been GREAT.
Yup, the same Pubs who have propped up the same Repub farm states for YEARS, growing corn for ethanol we don’t need, especially now, see nothing wrong with the blue states paying the farm welfare of the red states, BUT, it gets worse.
For over two years the Repub HYPOCRITES have sent subsidy checks to the farmers, for doing NOTHING, cuz Dotard has killed the International markets with his idiotic trade wars and ‘tariffs’ that the jackass doesn’t even know WHO PAYS!
And that’s FINE with the jerks(R).
BUT, ask for assistance after the Pub asshole’s incompetence cost you your job, and you’re a ‘welfare case’ according to the hypocrites.
NOTHING is below these jerks(R) in their efforts to stay in power, at any cost, but don’t get in the way of the Pub farmer’s subsidy checks, paid for doing nothing, cuz Dotard wrecked the market.


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