There are a LOT of factors in play, with the protests going on around the country, after cops have killed SO MANY without consequence.

The main difference, these days, is the prevalance of Smart Phome cameras showing the cops doing it.
Throw in the pandemic, made SO MUCH WORSE by an incompetent asshole in the White House, with so many people who have no job, no money and nothing to do, SO, they go out to protest.
Throw in the professional agitators, many being financed by $$$, to give Dotard a ‘reason’ to send in the troops, for Law and Order, although the big trouble starts once they get there.
I hate the violence and destruction as much as anyone, but most of it can be traced to bad cops and bad decisions from the Russian backed, incompetent LIAR in the White House, who ignored the virus and tried to LIE his way out of it, which he does with everything elese.
Surprise, COVID19 doesn’t swallow his crap, like the sheep(R) always do.


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