Again I say, if I got my ‘news’ from FOX, I’d hate Dems too, and vote for Dotard just so the Liberals couldn’t wreck our country.

BUT, I don’t choose to get my news from a Network created and supported by a Political Party.
Roger Ailes began the glitzy alternative to ‘news’ as part of his Chief Political Strategist job and the Pubs answer to ‘what they wish was the news’ took off with the crowd that that would rather see/hear the Pubs answer to reality.
In their alternative fact world, the Russians didn’t back Dotard, although all 17 US Intel agencies say they did. Ever wonder WHY, dipsticks?
No way is Biden, or the Dems, gonna take anyone’s guns, even if some lame Texan, Beto O’Rourke claimed that HE would. Just like Joe isn’t for defunding the police, as the Lying Pub ads would have you believe.
The same ads, made for the ‘bottom of the barrel morons’ have the emergency Ph# 911 disconnected under Dem police cuts. Just like Dotard says windmills cause cancer and ‘clean coal’ is better than natural gas, it’s all LIES, for the morons who swallow Bullshit Mountain bullshit.
But, everyone knows it’s crap. It’s just that some don’t give a shit, cuz FOX has them so full of Dem-fearing bullshit, that they may start sprouting horns.....


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