After 8 years of McTurtle face killing Obama’s judges, and four years of Dotard’s people being put in place,

 The Liar in Chief still has a ZERO number of FRAUD cases approved by HIS(R) judges. 

Think about it, rightwingnuts.

His judges are throwing out his cases, his lawyers are quitting and he has ZERO evidence, BUT, does that stop the gullible ignorant sheep from swallowing his crap?

Of course not!

These are the clueless minions who don’t give a shit about facts, as ALWAYS.

I’d try logic/rationality here, but WHY?

The assholes(R) ‘just don’t get it’. His FOXNews/Bible Belt base has never considered FACTS to be relevant.

Never have, never will, They are the SHEEP(R), so-called for a reason.


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