Rabid Rudy can say whatever he wants, as he lies his ass off in front of a landscaping company or as flop sweat and dye run down his face.

 BUT, in court, where it counts, Dotard’s Army of lawyers can’t lie to the judge, or risk disbarment, which they ain’t gonna do. SOOO, while Dotard sends out Tweets that get flagged as FALSE, his lawyers are ONE out of THIRTY TWO in court.

Think about it!

As the LOSER and his attorney LIE continually, the courts are throwing out his cases for ‘lack of evidence’.

Meanwhile, the Liar in Chief is trying a new strategy, trying to get Repub henchmen to overthrow/ignore the voters in their states and cast their ballots for him.

SO FAR it doesn’t seem to be working, but I would put NOTHING past the flailing LOSER as he realizes if/WHEN he officially loses the criminal counts against him begin.

I can hardly wait.


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