OMG! Dotard keeps shoveling the crap to the sheep. Do they swallow it? Probably....


They're baaack: Trump and allies still refuse election loss

His baseless claims have a way of coming back. And back. And back.

By Wednesday, Trump was phoning into a local Pennsylvania Republican lawmakers' meeting that had been orchestrated by his campaign to assert falsely, again, that the election was tainted.

“This election was rigged and we can’t let that happen," Trump said by phone, offering no specific evidence.

The 2020 presidential race is turning into the zombie election that Trump just won’t let die. Despite dozens of legal and procedural setbacks, his campaign keeps filing new challenges that have little hope of succeeding and making fresh, unfounded claims of fraud.

Who swallows this shit? Oh yeah, the gullible, ignorant sheep.

Nothing new here, as they just can’t handle reality/facts and are used to swallowing FOX/Dotard crap like the rest of us swallow lunch.

They don’t need no stinkin’ EVIDENCE.


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