Before the Virginia election was even over, Trump jumped in to claim victory. Bullshit. Youngkin won in spite of Trump.

 This is vintage Trump -- always quick to claim credit when things go well and loathe to take any blame when things go poorly. 

    It's also fundamentally wrong. Youngkin won the race in spite of Trump, not because of Trump.
    And, because Joe Biden and the Dems have been such a shit show since they won against Trump in 2020,mainly because of Manchin and Sinema, who have done all they could to sabotage the Dems agenda, which is way too liberal/socialist to begin with, BUT has some good ideas.
    I could handle part of the Repub agenda, but not when Dotard is a part of it. The thought of another 4 years of that LYING conman in charge of the country is absolutely sickening, and that’s the face of the Repub party today. The Dems with Biden suck, but the Russian backed Pussy Grabber is SOOOO much worse.


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