Those with even average intelligence, rightwingnuts obviously excluded, know that the MANI reason for the current inflation, which is very moderate, is because of

 COVID, which shut down a large part of the US and world economy. And now after over 700,000 deaths in the US, (hundreds of thousands of which could have been avoided, thanks morons(R), businesses are ramping up and consumers are spending more, causing shortages throughout the system, from supply chain issues, to shortages and Big Oil price gouging.

BUT, the FOXSheep know what the REAL problem is. 

It’s Joe Biden.

Yup, screw reality/facts/COVID/etc. It’s that damn Joe Biden, according to Sean, Tucker Laura and the rest of the X-Spurts who have ONE JOB. And that’s to get Repub votes. And they are relentless. ANd the sheep swallow it all and ask for more.

Am no Joe Biden fan, but I passed Economics 101 and have lived through the COVID epidemic.

Bottom line FOX is FOX and the sheep haven’t changed. Deify Dingus Con and blame the Dems for all problems.

Same old shit and the sheep lap it up……


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