For SO many reasons the world is a worse place because of Donald F’ing Trump, but one of the very worst is because the

 Asshole withdrew the US from the Paris Accord, which was a worldwide effort to stop Climate Change.

Because of him, and the gullible, TRULY IGNORANT sheep who support him and his blind, anti-science rejection of Global Warming/Climate Change, in the face of overwhelming, indisputable evidence, the world is years behind in it’s response.

AND, world leaders are justifiably hesitant to commit to any viable, long term fixes, knowing that the same morons(R) who elected him the first time will try to do it again, and instead of being a world leader in something so important, the US could, and would, just back out of any and all worldwide agreements and much needed efforts to combat climate change.

Half the US is suffering from unprecedented and historic heat waves and droughts while the other half is seeing record setting rain and hurricanes. BUT, the head up their ass morons(R), who swallow Dotard’s bullshit refuse to acknowledge reality, choosing instead to listen to/believe the crap from the Pathological Liar and the clowns at FOX who are totally unqualified to spew their X-Spurt opinions.

Bottom line, if I gotta explain, and you don’t know by now, screw you and your ilk, who deny climate change, COVID vaccines and the science that you so willingly ignore. And hw does someone as gullible/ignorant as you even exist in this world? 


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