Chris Wallace says he needed a change. Oh really?

 In other words, when you read between the ‘obvious’ lines, he was tired of being involved with the jerks/clowns who reported Repub bullshit/talking points/lies as ‘news’.

How could a legit reporter put up with the Stolen Election crap, compounded by the Hypocrites who demanded FOX employees be vaccinated, while at the same time pushing the anti-vax bullshit of morons(R) who don’t have a clue about science and actual facts?

How could he work for a Propaganda Outlet who looked at the criminals, incited by an arrogant conman to attack the Capitol and overturn a legitimate election, as Patriots?

How could he look at Bullshit Mountain’s stance on Climate Change as he saw the actual damage playing out inexorably across the country, and world.

And most of all, how could an intelligent experienced newsman look at Donald F-ing Trump being deified by a propaganda network run by Rupert F-ing Murdoch?

He couldn’t, any longer.

So, at the ripe old age of 74 decided his conscience couldn’t take the LIES any more and he headed off to CNN, so he could sleep at night.

Good for you Chris. Welcome to the world where everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but NOT to their own facts, on everything from Climate change and Stolen Elections to horse dewormer vs COVID vaccine. 

Welcome to reality!


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