How long can they do it?
How long can a rightwingnutball survive with their head buried firmly and deeply up their ass?
Look at what they(R) say said/say about Viet Nam, Iraq, Climate Change, COVID and the morally bankrupt Donald F-ing Trump, (Inciter of Insurrection, Pathological Liar, Pussy Grabber, conman, etc)?
Do these morons(R) EVER face reality/science?
No way.
Their inner colon/rectal view shields them from facts, cuz they ‘just don’t matter’ to the FOX/Trump/anti-science crowd.
If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand…..
BTW, my blog continues to serve it’s purpose for. I can rant and rave against the morons(R) HERE. The ones who support Dingus Con, who tried/is trying to wreck our Democracy, instead of yelling at the morons, or WORSE, in real life.
Works for me, and saves lots of confrontation