See if you can follow the logic that Dotard pushes to the Double digit IQ crowd, his base.


Trump Rails At 'Horrible Job' Biden's Done Against COVID 

COVID is spreading, cuz Trump’s gullible, ignorant sheep aren’t getting vaccinated, after Dotard himself had nearly the worst possible response to the virus. Ignoring it, and lying about it after disbanding the Pandemic Response Team.
BUT, as his people(R) refuse to be vaxxed, and the latest wave rolls, Dotard blames Biden.
And this makes sense to WHO?
Oh yeah, the head up their ass crowd who swallow FOX/Trump crap.
Never mind…..
Just like how FOX/Trump, one and the same, excoriate Biden for his low approval numbers when they are HIGHER than Dingus Con ever reached.
BTW, we read how inflation is crippling Europe, BUT, according to FOX/Trump, US inflation is all Biden’s fault. Funny how that works…..


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