Did you know that Biden not only CAUSED the problems with Inflation, Energy and Ukraine,

 BUT, he’s also doing NOTHING about them?

You would if you are a loyal, gullible, ignorant  FOXSheep, who gets their news from Bullshit Mountain, where the headline reads,

Biden a bystander on Ukraine, energy and inflation crises

Yup, Joe not only closed those problems, but he’s doing nothing to help them.
Wow, if only Captain Bonespurs wouldn’t have had a Stolen Election!
Everything would be just fine now, according to Sean, Tucker and the other clowns, that is….

And the gullible, ignorant sheep swallow this shit, CONSTANTLY and CONTINUALLY.

BTW, the reason gas was cheap under Benedict Donald, is cuz of COVID, when everyone was locked indoors and the economy was shut down, cuz he was so incompetent in fighting it, choosing just to LIE, instead, as always.


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