Repub Chris Christie came out and said what those of us with a functioning brain (FOXSheep obviously excluded), we’re already thinking.

 Former New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (R) lambasted Donald Trump’s praise of the Russian invasion of Ukraine last week, saying history was watching despite the former president’s repeated comments about Vladimir Putin being a “genius” who had been “smart” about the ruthless assault.

“How can anyone with any understanding of the world call Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine ‘genius’ and ‘very savvy’ as we watch him unite the rest of the world against Russia in nearly an instant?” Christie asked Monday on Twitter.

AS IF Benedict Donald has a clue about ‘understanding the world’. Little Donnie Sissypants is a spoiled NYC Pussy Grabber with an Army of Lawyers, Bullshit Mountain and a bunch of uninformed, gullible FOXSheep enablers.

As per qualifications, just listen to what his head General, Sec of State and close confidant had/have to say about Der Trumpkof.

“He’s a f*cking moron’ is how those closest to him describe The Great White Dope.


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