I have a guide for all you MAGA hatted, double digit IQ FOXSheep watching the State of the Union address,

 First and mainly, ignore all the good parts of Biden and the US and NEVER acknowledge anything good Biden/Dems/US.

Second, pretend Der Trumpkof would have done everything perfectly, and ignore how his incompetence contributed to the US leading the world in COVID deaths. 

Just forget the fact that Dotard held up US Aid, trying to get dirt on Biden.

Back the clowns at FOX who demand MORE from Biden against Russia, but refuse to deal with Putin’s

Nuclear threat, while ignoring the will of the American people, who support Biden’s position.

Pretend like it’s Biden’s fault that inflation follows two years of COVID shutdown.

Pretend the Pubs aren’t in the pockets of Big Pharma, like they Big Oil and Big Banking.

Pretend that Biden HATES oil and all the energy that represents.

Pretend that Donniesissypants could have whispers in Vlad’s ear and stopped the Ukraine war. HA!

Pretend that Dotard that was tough on Putin, rather than kissing his ass, with tongue.

Ignore the fact that more jobs were created last year than ANY year in US history.

Pretend The Great White Dope isn’t a Pathological Liar.

Most of all, pretend that Der Trumpkof LOST the election cuz it was Stolen.

Evidence? Who needs stinkin evidence? The sheep don’t give a shit about evidence!

Pretend that the Groper in Chief, the PUSSY GRABBER isn’t being sued by nearly two dozen women for assault/harassment.

Pretend that Climate Change is a hoax, and the drought in the West is another hoax.

Pretend renewable energy is a joke, and ‘clean, beautiful coal’ is real.

Pretend that Bullshit Mountain isn’t the propaganda channel, created by Roger Ailes, to put Repub butts in Congress.

Pretend that Dotard’s tariffs didn’t cause the chip/steel/labor shortage that’s killing the economy and causing inflation.

Bottom line, Pubs, leave your heads deep in your asses and ignore reality, swallowing Benedict Donald’s LIES.

Why change now?


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