Arizona Repubs don’t acknowledge Climate Change, during the latest record heat wave, as they have their own methods to Fix it, like being gay. They’re gonna ‘pray it away’.


Arizona Republicans Don’t Want to Hear About the Deadly Heat Wave

GOP lawmakers are brushing off the extreme heat — and any suggestion of climate change.

Yup, all them dumb scientists, with their fancy schmancy thermometers and charts don’t know nuthin’. Just ask FOXNews and Repub politicians.

PHOENIX — When Arizona lawmakers returned to the state Capitol here earlier this month, they started their day with a prayer to ease the scorching heat.

“We pray, Father, for solutions to end suffering and for our temperatures to trend downwards to provide relief for so many in harm’s way,” the legislative chaplain said as sweaty heads bowed in the state Senate.

Yup, that, along with ‘praying away the gay’, will give them a gay-free state, with cool, balmy breezes. 

And if that doesn’t work, maybe they can burn a few witches at the stake, OR, just put them in a sidewalk, in Phoenix, as they set new heat records, every year, while worshiping the Anti-Christ, Der Trumpkof.


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