Please, I continue to implore you Repubs, PLEASE nominate your morally bankrupt, arrogant, LYING candidate as prez, instead of some middle of the road Repub, who would probably win in a landslide against poor old Joe. Please….

 A plurality of Americans and independents think Donald Trumpshould have been charged with a crime in each of his four indictments, according to ABC News/Ipsos polling. A majority of Americans said in a new AP-NORC survey that they definitely won’t vote for the former president in the 2024 general election.

And this is BEFORE the steady, drip, drip, drip of all the evidence that’s going to come out against the guilty SOB in his FOUR trials.

AS IF, he’s not guilty of inciting an Insurrection, lying and cheating in his business dealings, groping and raping women and bragging about it, stealing government documents and LYING about them after ignoring a subpoena and trying to overturn an election.

Wow, you couldn’t ask for a better scenario in the months before the next election.

AND, the guilty, on SO many counts, NYC conman may be in prison by then, if there’s any justice in this wounded country….


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