Clarence Thomas, a typical Repub crook/paid off Hypocrite, who mostly took vacations paid for by his Big Money pals,

 also vacayed in an ultra luxurious RV, paid for with ‘borrowed’ money, that he never paid back.

Same old shit from the Pubs, where Big Money, Big Oil and Big Pharma pays off the Bigwigs, and the ‘little people’ can only watch the Clarence Thomas’s of the Repub party vacation ‘on the dime’ of Big Money who get all the questionable judicial verdicts ‘in their favor’.

Surprise, surprise…after a luxury RV, vacations on private jets and yachts, and property bought for his mother ‘pay off’ I. The world of Repubs and Big Money payoffs.

Google Clarence (a typical Repub paid off crook) and his RV…..


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