Just saw a really good comment on Boss Hogg, who said, ‘All publicity is good publicity.’

 Not necessarily so.

It was pointed out that a few hundred thousand voters in a few battleground states are going to decide the 2024 election, cuz NOBODY who isn't already on the side of the criminal conman is going to all of a sudden think a multi indicted felon, (and he’s already facing over 90 felonies), is going to make a great president.

IF the Republican Party could present a good alternative to old Joe, they’d probably win, BUT, the Whiny Little Bitch has em all by the balls, and they know if they don’t nominate him he’ll wreck their party, and if they do, they’ll lose, AGAIN, cuz well over half of Americans are NEVER Trumpers.

And this is before the slow leak, steady flow of evidence hits TV news, (well except for FOXNews, who ignores everything that isn’t anti-Dem) as the trials against the NYC conman begin.

Ya think those few hundred election-swinging voters are gonna all of a sudden fall in love with Boss Hogg, with the economy doing well and the evidence against the mobster dominating the news at election time?

HA! Dream on, morons….


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