They just aren’t smart enough to understand the irony.

 Seems Boss Hogg’s people are capitalizing on the Pig’s booking/mugshot after the career criminal, charged under the RICO act, ‘surrendered’ to the jailers in Fulton County.

The label put on the merch after the Pig ‘surrendered’? 

Never Surrender, and the sheep are gobbling it up.

This, after his booking statement claimed he is 215 pounds. OMG! Couldn’t they have lied, like they ALWAYS do, with a somewhat believable lie, like 260 pounds? Still low, but somewhat believable, for the lying Sack of Toxic Sludge, who was BEATEN in the election, but he and his crew of morons think if they just keep LYING about it they can keep the attention away from the fact that his LIES incited an insurrection, by the gullible, ignorant sheep who actually swallow the LIES from FOX.

Incidentally, Bullshit Mountain paid a $780 million fine, rather than face charges in court, of LYING to their uninformed/misinformed audience., who knows where to go, to get the ‘News’ they WISH was true.

215 pounds? Yeah, unless you count that area between his chin and ass.

Just goes to show what a good tailor and an expensive suit can hide…


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