Just saw the highlights of a Repub speech, in Congress, where a stupid be-otch explained WHY full fat milk needs to be served in grade schools.

 The moron then gave about ten reasons why Santa needs all his muscles, including to lift all those gifts and wrangle his reindeer, (2% milk has all the same vitamins and nutrients), SOOO, the obesity problem (in over half of kids) should be made WORSE, for Santa?

AND, the same idiot, Ms Fox, (which explains a LOT), then finished her diatribe by explaining, ‘Remember, scientists built the Titanic, but amateurs built the ark.’ 

Wow, and this makes sense to who?

Case dismissed, for the Pubs, who FINALLY passed a bill, ‘Whole milk in grade schools’, before they lit out for home and Christmas break, so they have plenty of energy to hunt for a Biden crime, when they get back, in their Impeachment INQUIRY. 

SOOO, they’ll hunt for a crime, and THEN look for a suspect, which is the OPPOSITE of how the rest of the world, with a functioning brain, works….but these are Republicans.

Thanks again, to the people who saw Boss Hogg incite an insurrection, send fake electors to steal an election, hold aid to Ukraine hostage for dirt on his political opponent, brag about ‘grabbing em by the pussy, steal Top Secret documents and LIE about it, while they have No Problem with any of it.

Same old Repubs…

BTW, morons, be sure and get your new Trump Trading Cards, for Christmas gifts!


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