Paul Krugman makes an interesting point today.

 It has to do with facts, and the rightwingnuts who ignore them, cuz they are at odds with the crap they are fed from their favorite Propaganda Machine, where hype replaces fact.

There are two big questions right now about the U.S. economy. One is why it’s doing so well. The other is why so many Americans insist that it’s terrible.

I have no illusions about persuading conservatives that the economy is in good shape; their minds are made up, and pointing out facts at odds with their views just makes them angry.

Them damn, pesky facts, that the sheep just can’t handle, the main one being…inflation is a global phenomenon and the US is doing far better than most, no matter WHAT Sean and Boss Hogg say.

But don’t try to tell that to the gullible ignorant sheep, cuz they remember when everything was PERFECT, from 2016-2020.

If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand…..


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