Oh, this should be fun. George Santos, the archetypal Repub, is pissed, SOO, like J D Vance, is gonna tell us about the private lives of Big Time Repubs. That oughta be interesting….


To hell with this place’: George Santos sharpens attacks after expulsion

Santos says he’s gonna expose a bunch of Pubs for their fraudulent, criminal acts.
The Pubs don’t give a shit about crime and fraud!
Look at Boss Hogg, who gets his fat ass kissed, with tongue, from MOST of them.
Tell the truth, like Liz Cheney, and you’re kicked out of the Captain Bonespurs fan club.
The morons would rather hear about (fictitious) fraudulent voting machines and a Stolen Election, with their heads deeply and firmly implanted, instead of dealing with facts and policy.
Too bad George Santos, no one is interested in hearing about crooked Repubs since Benedict Donald proved ‘crime DOES pay’, and LYING is tolerated and expected.
We all know, but only some of us care….


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