In TYPICAL FOXNews bullshit, they’re having continual, daily articles about Bill Clinton being involved with Jeffrey Epstein, BUT,

 They are totally ignoring that Der Gropenfuror, the convicted sex criminal who brags ‘just grab ‘em by the pussy’, is just as well connected to Epstein as Bill Clinton is.

They BOTH have many pictures together, we’re at many social events and BOTH were/are on flight logs to Jeffrey’s private island, BUT, because of the Bullshit Mountain policy of:

Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, 

only Bill Clinton is mentioned in any of the MANY articles by the clowns at FOX, and Donny Douchebag is totally ignored, as they shovel the shit to the willing sheep.

Some things NEVER change, as the gullible ignorant sheep have their hatred of ‘all things Dem’ shoved down their Deep Throats every day.


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