When you can afford to pay Hundreds of Millions (Google it) to an Army of Lawyers to delay/win lawsuits against those with smaller pockets, and keep you out of prison for sex assaults and shady business dealings, these slimy attorneys can also come up with legal BULLSHIT like:

 Trump’s lawyers argue the provision isn’t intended to apply to the president, contending that the oath for the top office in the land isn’t to “support” the Constitution but instead to “preserve, protect and defend” it. They also argue that the presidency isn’t explicitly mentioned in the amendment, only any “officer of the United States” — a legal term they contend doesn’t apply to the president.

Trump made the opposite argument defending against his prosecution for falsifying business records by the Manhattan District Attorney’s office, contending the case should move to federal court because the president is “an officer of the United States.”

Don’t you just love our system of ‘Big Bucks = ‘Justice’, as it is used by grifters and conmen like Boss Hogg?


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