
Showing posts from May, 2024

When was the last time you saw an innocent defendant refuse to take the stand in their defense?

 NEVER. Nuff said, for the head up their ass crowd.

Surprise, Boss Hogg’s Congressional minions are standing by him. Maybe cuz his Republican henchman can’t stand the thought of losing ‘their boy’ and their positions of power, that allow them to hold the purse strings to the US Treasury, where they can write checks to their buddies. And they don’t give a shit that he’s a criminal. Who da thunk?

  His most devoted partisans will only become more so following Thursday’s guilty verdict. Just as they did after the Access Hollywood tape, the impeachments, the Jan. 6 riot, stealing Top Secret documents, sending fake electors to steal the election and other examples too abundant to recount or, for many people, even to recall.

In an effort to rile the sheep, the Bullshit Mountain headline reads:

  Judge aiming to take Trump 'out of the presidential race,' likely to issue jail time:  Oh really? That would take him out of the race? OR, fire up his already rabid minions? FOX ‘news’, home of Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD. Or it don’t make the cut…..

I get SO sick of the Pub Propaganda Machine saying how ‘unprecedented’ it has been to charge an ex-prez and how it’s NEVER been done before and how ‘political’ it is and how it’s a yuuuge ‘conspiracy’.

 Well, morons(R) you tell me when we’ve ever had an ex-prez who Incited an Insurrection, based on Lies, or stole hundreds of boxes of Top Secret documents, ignored subpoenas, lied about it and hid at least one truckload? Or when did a former prez send fake electors and try to overturn an election, or boinked a pornstar, paid her off and LIED about it while those around him took the blame? What other ex-prez colluded with SO many criminals and refused to intervene when his VP was being chased by a lynch mob? SO, don’t give everyone bullshit about ‘unprecedented’ when your boy is the most ‘unprecedented’ criminal in the history of the White House, and that includes a BUNCH of criminals. And, what other ex-prez has literally THOUSANDS of easily provable LIES? NO ONE even comes CLOSE in any of these categories, so just shut the f**k up about all your ‘unprecedented’ bullshit!

Boss Hogg’s rightwingnut minions look right past his MANY obvious crimes, and see only a ‘left wing conspiracy’, and they vow REVENGE, like when thr6 tried to Impeach old Joe.

 Their only problem? They don’t have anyone to attack, that’s even CLOSE to the type of criminal whose ass they kiss. If they can find criminal Dems, GO FOR IT! BUT, try to do better than busting Hunter for illegally obtaining a firearm after using drugs, like half your Southern base. Right-Wingers Are Already Promising Vengeance After The Trump Verdict Prominent conservatives called for Trump supporters to “fight” the jury’s findings -- including by prosecuting Democrats for crimes they “surely committed.”

Among MANY other people, (everyone but himself), Boss Hogg blamed Michael Cohen for his conviction.

 “ He also attacked his  former attorney Michael Cohen , who was a key witness in the trial, without mentioning his name, instead calling him "a sleazebag." Wow, it’s AMAZING how many sleazebags and criminals coalesced around the LYING, morally bankrupt conman, including Cohen, who, incidentally did three years in prison for ‘lying to protect Trump’, at great harm to himself. Other criminals just happen to be, Trump’s accountant, several other lawyers, his Campaign Chairman, a couple of Chiefs of Staff, Navarro and Pappadopolis, his criminal buddies Stone and Manafort and several members of his Cabinet, including Mike Flynn, who was sentenced to prison for multiple crimes, his buddies in the Insurrection, (based on LIES) and dozens of fake electors who tried to help him STEAL the election.  And then there’s OMG, Rudy… BTW, other members of his Cabinet called him a ‘f**king moron’ and someone who has the ‘intellect of a sixth grader.’ And then there was his VP, who he trie...

Wow, Big Money was SO UPSET when Boss Hogg was found GUILTY, on ALL counts,

 that the Dow set a record for the year, closing 570 points higher. I guess they’re hoping the Lyin King will be sent to prison and our country can start to heal. Nah, too many uninformed, misinformed MAGA minions, with their anal cranial inversions, from swallowing too much FOXShit still ‘out there’. Never mind

Same old shit from Trump/FOX/Repubs. If/when you LOSE, that means it was ‘rigged’.

 Just like when Donny didn’t get an Emmy for The Apprentice. It’s RIGGED, he said. And then he lost the 2020 election. It’s RIGGED he/they said, although over sixty courts said BULLSHIT! Now, he’s found GUILTY, on ALL counts,  by ALL 12 members of the jury, after hearing weeks of evidence, and he/they say the same old shit.  It’s RIGGED, cuz that’s what the sheep have been conditioned to hear/believe. When they win, GREAT! When they LOSE, it’s RIGGED! It’ll be the same when they lose in November. They’ll claim, with ZERO evidence, just like 2020, it’s RIGGED, and the gullible, ignorant sheep, who get their ‘news’ from a Repub Propaganda Network will freak out, again. Wanna bet?

Dotard’s GUILTY a verdict shouldn’t surprise anyone.

 When’s the last time you saw an innocent victim refuse to take the stand?  To refuse to refute the evidence against him? Never! We’ve seen enough true crime on TV to know that when a lawyer has a client who’s guilty as hell, like Boss Hogg, there’s NO WAY they’re putting his guilty ass on the stand, cuz guilty people, especially habitual LIARS like The Lyin King will just incriminate themselves. SOO, the Pussy Grabber just sat, slept and farted, instead of testifying. Wow, I’m shocked!

Wow, that’s one bad judge. A Devil, who looks like an angel, who LITERALLY CRUCIFIED some of Boss Hogg’s witnesses. Wow, that’s BAD, if you believe Dotard….

  “You saw what happened to some of the witnesses that were on our side, they were literally crucified by this man," Trump said.  Trump went on to criticize Judge Juan Merchan further, saying "he looks like an angel, but he's really a devil."

Once he gets started, the Lyin King just can’t stop. On top of a yuuuge pile of LIES, Dotard told us Biden will quadruple our taxes, make it impossible to afford a car AND China will be making all of our cars.

 Wow, I guess I’m gonna have to vote for the LYING, morally bankrupt, pussy grabber who just got convicted of 34 felonies, cuz I don’t want my taxes quadrupled and a Chinese car… “They want to raise your taxes by four times. They want to stop you from having cars with their ridiculous mandates that make it impossible for you to get a car or afford a car," he said. "It make it very possible for China to build all of our cars. It's a very serious problem that we have." Ha! Our problem is that the morons among us swallow the crap from a Repub Propaganda Outlet instead of getting real news. Nothing new here….

Finally! Dotard won his first popular vote. A 100% landslide! GUILTY on all 24 counts. Congratulations to the new felon!

 A final observation. Thoughts and prayers to the walls and ketchup bottles at Trump Tower…. And, can we get a live cam on Martha Alito’s flagpole? It’s said that the judge considered immediate house arrest for Pork Choppo, but it wasn’t fair to Melania.

Not that it makes any difference, but Dotard COULD have won his trial, even though he was/is guilty as hell.

 He could have just admitted to the boinking of the porn star and admitted to paying her off, to protect his family. Done deal. But NO! The asshole can’t handle the truth. The habitual LIAR has always gotten away with lying his fat ass off, SO, against the advice of his Army of Lawyers, the jerk decided to deny, deny, deny. BUT, the entire jury saw him for what he was/is. A LYING, morally bankrupt, GUILTY felon. Now, he and his kiss ass buddies are bending over backwards to say how it was old Joe and George Soros who orchestrated the trial when really it was our judicial system who saw 34 crimes and convinced 12 New Yorkers, beyond a shadow of a doubt that ‘he did it’. Let the bullshit flow at Bullshit Mountain as it always does, but that doesn’t change anything. Boss Hogg is a convicted felon, and the world knows it….

Boss Hogg and his clueless minions are bitchin, cuz he had his trial where everyone hates him. Duh..It’s where he did the crime AND where people know him best.

 And after being around him for decades they can’t stand the slimy, criminal son of a bitch. They know him, and unlike the Christian farmers who get their reality from the clowns at FOX, they hate him, cuz they KNOW him. But, if I gotta explain, you ain’t gonna understand. Sorta like political reality in the world today, where half the people don’t pay attention to politics and millions get their ‘news’ from a Republican Propaganda Outlet, where paid liars get their marching orders from Rupert and the RNC. Nothing new here, BUT, the asshole was found GUILTY!  YAHOO!

Throughout his entire life, Donald Trump has NEVER learned that there are consequences to bad behavior. His money, his Army of Lawyers and his penchant for LYING, with his minions who SWALLOW a his crap has shielded the asshole.

 Now, maybe it will,change. We’ll see, cuz his MAGA morons will support him, no matter WHAT,  Noth8ng new here, but sickening just the same.

Bottom line, it’s really tough, defending a GUILTY client, but Dotard’s lawyer, Todd Blanche, (part of his Army of Lawyers, paid for by the sheep), TRIED, his best.

 BUT, the jury, who heard all the evidence, said Bullshit, your boy’s GUILTY. Wow, our democratic process isn’t dead….yet, as the sheep try to put their wannabe dictator into the White House, against the wishes of the MAJORITY of the American people, while the FOXClowns peddle their Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD propaganda, which is swallowed by MILLIONS of gullible ignorant sheep, won this round. Nothing new here….

The Pubs have a new consensus.

 If you LOSE an election, it was corrupt, even if over sixty courts, mostly Repub, disagree. If your boy is convicted, by 12 jury members, who heard all the evidence, that you DIDN’T, then the entire justice system is rigged. Thanks again, Rupert and Bullshit Mountain, for corrupting the minds of those who listen only to Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD. Same old shit….

Yahoo! Dotard set another record, after being the first ever president to be Impeached, TWICE!

 Now, he’s the the first president to ever be convicted of a felony. 34 times. Don’t forget, IF he and his henchmen hadn’t committed these crimes our country would never have been subjected to the arrogant, LYING, morally bankrupt asshole in the White House, as the US became a laughing stock among our former allies, while the corrupt, wannabe dictator kissed up to Putin, Erdogan and other dictators. There was a time when the formerly respectable Republican Party wouldn’t have considered an asshole like Boss Hogg, BUT, FOXNews changed all that, with their programming that consists of Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and nothing that deviates from that formula reaches the ears and eyes of the gullible ignorant sheep. Can you say uninformed, misinformed morons, who think an arrogant, LYING, morally bankrupt, crimson man is presidential material?

We weren’t there, in the courtroom, hearing all the evidence, BUT, those who were, the 12 jurors,listened to it all,

 And after discussing it amongst themselves, asking for evidence again and reviewing the law, they found the criminal conman GUILTY, on ALL counts. SO, no matter WHAT the clowns of Bullshit Mountain say, they weren’t there, and neither were you or me, BUT, the ones who were said GUILTY, on ALL counts. Never forget that, no matter WHAT the Repub Propaganda Channel says. Not that the MAGA morons give a shit, about justice…

One down, three (for now), to go.

 GUILTY for falsifying hush money payments, BUT, the BIG ones, Trying to overturn an election, Stealing Top Secret documents, hiding them and LYING about it and Inciting an Insurrection, still have to be prosecuted, AND, these are the EASY, OBVIOUS ones. Bottom line, hang the bastard and throw away the rope, OR send his fat ass to prison, for life! I ain’t particular….

Let us not forget the MAIN lesson from today…

  ”Donald Trump has always mistakenly believed he would never face consequences for breaking the law for his own personal gain. But today’s verdict does not change the fact that the American people face a simple reality. There is still only one way to keep Donald Trump out of the Oval Office: at the ballot box. Convicted felon or not, Trump will be the Republican nominee for president, and it is the duty of the American people to keep a convicted felon out of the White House.”

C’mon morons, send your $$ to the CONVICTED, lying, morally bankrupt conman. He needs your money, cuz he’s INNOCENT, and is a political prisoner’. But save some bucks, cuz I’m gonna have a sale on ocean front property, in Kansas….

  In a fundraising email sent to his supporters shortly after the verdict, Trump declared himself a “political prisoner.” “They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, and NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!” he wrote in his fundraising plea, asking for ‘his people’ to send MONEY! And the dumbasses probably will, but not much, cuz most of those morons ain’t smart enuff to have much disposable income….

Lotta good headlines, in the REAL news, (not the Repub Propaganda Network), but this is one of my faves…..

GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY GUILTY The LYING piece of crap just KEEPS lying, saying Biden was behind the charges, which is bullshit cuz they were filed before old Joe was prez, and he said: “I'm a very innocent man. And it's okay. I'm fighting for our country. I'm fighting for our Constitution. Our whole country is being rigged right now. This was done by the Biden administration in order to wound or hurt an opponent, a political opponent. And I think it's just a disgrace." Innocent, my ass, and the only disgrace is the pig who was just found GUILTY!

Wow, a jury of twelve his peers found Boss Hogg GUILTY of all 34 charges!

 Not that EVERYONE didn’t know the asshole is guilty as hell, of this and a MULTITUDE of other crimes, but it’s still great to have it made official. Send his pasty white ass to PRISON! And try him for his other, much more serious crimes, from behind bars. The long arm of the law FINALLY got the criminal conman, not that his gullible, ignorant, uninformed, misinformed sheep give a shit, BUT, the rest of us LOVE IT!

When Boss Hogg claimed he was ‘self made millionaire’, his niece Mary said BULLSHIT, and not only that, he screwed me out of my part of the inheritance, with the help of his Army of Lawyers.

 Now, a Trump friendly court has said he could sue her, with his Army of Lawyers, for telling the truth about a confidential agreement. The Times' reporting challenged Donald Trump's claim that he was a self-made billionaire. It said he received the equivalent of $413 million from his father, largely the result of "dubious" tax schemes in the 1990s, including undervaluing his family's real estate holdings. Donald Trump has denied wrongdoing. Mary Trump, a psychologist, identified herself as a Times source in her 2020 tell-all, "Too Much and Never Enough: How My Family Created the World's Most Dangerous Man."

Boss Hogg’s jury is still out, but it doesn’t matter.

 EVERYONE knows he’s guilty of SO much crap, including Inciting an Insurrection, after he LIED about LOSING the election. The problem? Nearly half the country, including Bullshit Mountain’s uninformed/misinformed audience, doesn’t give a shit that he’s a LYING, morally bankrupt, criminal conman who cares only about himself. Nothing new here, including if he’s found guilty, OR the jury is hung by one moronic minion who swallows FOXShit. Same old shit, as Dotard’s Army of Lawyers defends him for the 3826th time, and the Bullshit Mountain crowd couldn’t care less how many crimes the asshole commits…..

If only all of the Big Lie people were treated like they are in Colorado. If only they would punish the rest of the jerks(R) who tried to overturn the election that Boss Hogg LOST!

  Jenna Ellis, an ex-attorney for former President Trump, has agreed to have her law license suspended for three years in Colorado for her role in attempts to overturn the 2020 presidential election results. She has also expressed remorse and has recognized the harm caused by her misconduct … and has taken significant, concrete steps to mitigate the harm her misconduct has caused,” the settlement said, noting that a three-year suspension would be an “appropriate sanction.”7

On this Memorial Day, when I think of my dad and other veterans who served our country,, we mustn’t forget what Trump had to say about them, in June of 2020.

  Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers’ The president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades, multiple sources, including former Chief of Staff John Kelly, tell  The Atlantic . And then there is Captain Bonespurs’ comments on John McCain, who sat in a cell for years, until all his men were released from the North Korean prison. Appearing on Saturday at the Family Leadership Summit in Ames, Iowa, the real estate mogul took his running feud with Arizona Sen. John McCain to a new level.  “He’s not a war hero,” said Trump. “He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” F**k him and gullible ignorant sheep he rode in on!

One of the VERY few things that Dotard did right, even though he was WAY late, and cost hundreds of thousands of American lives,

 he FINALLY acknowledged COVID and spent over $18 billion to fast track a vaccine that saved hundreds of thousands of Americans. Now, cuz the assholes at FOX are against vaccinations, (thank God there was no FOX during measles, smallpox, etc), and Boss Hogg is trying to get the RFK Jr crowd, the asshole is now AGAINST the same vaccine he worked to develop. Same old shit from the LYING piece of crap, who’ll say and/or do ANYTHING to get elected. And the Bullshit Mountain minions swallow it all….

All the REAL news outlets have major stories about the Israeli attack on the Palestinian tent camp in Rafah that killed dozens of civilians, BUT, the clowns at the anti Palestinian Repub Propaganda Outlet don’t think the sheep need to hear about this, and many other Israeli atrocities against innocent women, children and other civilians.

BREAKING NEWS Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the killing of dozens of Palestinian refugees in an Israeli strike Sunday was “a tragic accident.” Monday, May 27, 2024 12:51 PM ET At least 45 people were killed and more than 200 others injured in the strike, most of them women and children, according to the Gaza Health Ministry and Palestinian medics. No hospital in Rafah had the capacity to take the number of casualties, the ministry said. Same old shit from Bullshit Mountain, where they censor what the sheep get to hear. IF, I had ever made the mistake of getting my ‘news’ from FOX, and actually believing their bullshit, I’d be a hopeless Trumpie too, in their world where the only things that are published fall into Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD. No wonder the sheep are so uninformed and misinformed. And support a LYING, morally bankrupt, wannabe dictator, criminal conman for president.

The clowns at Bullshit Mountain are all giddy, cuz the liberal comedian, Bill Maher got their audience to within a half million of an average audience at MSNBC. Yahoo!

 BUT, the jerks at FOX buried the headline, which was ‘Trump isn’t gonna accept the election , unless he wins, just like in 2020, and that’s disastrous for Democracy’. What a bunch of assholes(R). Fox News' 'Gutfeld!' scores biggest audience ever with Bill Maher appearance Greg Gutfeld's sit-down with the liberal comedian averaged a whopping 2.9 million viewers

IF the lying piece of crap was was always under oath, with prison for perjury, the jerk would have NOTHING to say, and his gullible, ignorant sheep would hear some truth, for a change….How many times did the lying jerk say he was DEFINITELY gonna testify?


Remember when the formerly respectable Republican Party woulda run an asshole like Trump outta town, on a rail?


Being raised in a Christian home, I am very familiar with the Bible, the concept of Christianity and the AntiChrist.

 SOOO, because I am a thinking human being naturally associate Boss Hogg with the Revelations character, and the HYPOCRITES who support the asshole. Googling it, this is part of the first article that comes up: Now, I am not a Christian believer myself. But growing up as an annoying teenage atheist (a position I have thankfully softened on), I have read the Bible several times so as to argue with my evangelical friends back then. And the contrast between the contents of that text—especially the doctrines and teachings of Jesus Christ—and the behavior of the Trump cult is increasingly jarring. If I were a believer, I might call them a pack of blasphemous heretics, who worship the Antichrist. I could list, ad infinitum, WHY Der Gropenfuror fits the definition, BUT, if I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand….

Wow, where can I buy me some that there Donald Trump stock? The genius who brought us Trump Airlines, Trump University, Trump Vodka, Trump Mortgage LLC, Trump Travel, Trump Steaks, Trump Plaza Hotel, the Trump Foundation, Trump Wine, and Trump Casinos is now giving us a chance to buy into his latest venture. Look at them books. Where can I send my $$$, like the rest of the yokels. And I’m sure, after the six month lockdown period that Dotard isn’t gonna DUMP on all the idiots and take their money, right?

  Trump Media lost $327.6 million in the first quarter of the year on revenue of just $770,500 The report is one of the first measures of the company’s true financial health since it debuted as a public company on the Nasdaq stock BUT, if you’re worried that Boss Hogg might lose $$$, set your mind to rest, cuz his Army of Lawyers has protected him in almost all of the ‘more than 3500’ lawsuits filed against him, when he ‘took th money and ran’, leaving his investors, suppliers and workers, ‘holding th bag’. I’m sure he’s learned his lesson by now, though, right? Where do I send my $$$$? AND, when can I vote for this genius who is such OBVIOUS presidential material?

ALL search warrants issued by the FBI have boilerplate language that includes the ‘use of deadly force, if necessary’, for obvious reasons.

 BUT, Boss Hogg and FOX heave teamed up to twist that language to suggest that old Joe sent a hit squad to murder Trump. As much I I LOVE that concept, it’s just bullshit, shoveled to the gullible ignorant sheep who swallow crap like that. And there’s MILLIONS of ‘em, just waiting for the next batch of LIES, and the Lyin King doesn’t keep them waiting for long. Donald Trump Wildly Suggests Joe Biden Was Ready To Kill Him In Mar-A-Lago Search The president was "locked & loaded ready to take me out," Trump falsely told donors in an email.

Wow! I’m shocked! The LYING piece of crap isn’t gonna testify, under oath, in his own trial.

 Maybe cuz he can’t stop LYING for even a short while, and it’s called perjury? Just cuz Cohen lied, for Dotard, (and did prison time for it), doesn’t mean the criminal conman isn’t guilty. Screw him and the gullible ignorant sheep he rode in on….

Again, here’s a simple fact.

 The Pubs are running the ONE guy that could lose to old Joe and the Dems are running the one guy who could lose to the LYING morally bankrupt, criminal conman. UNbelievable….

File it under, ‘It’s about time’! What Hamas did on Oct 7 is terrible, BUT, the sustained warfare against the innocent Palestinians, killing over thirty thousands, wounding hundreds of thousands and decimating Gaza, with US supplied weapons of war, as they create THOUSANDS of new terrorists is inexcusable.

  The prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) is seeking arrest warrants for top Hamas and Israeli figures on charges of war crimes and crimes against humanity. Hang ‘em all, especially Netanyahu, who’s made it a war of political self preservation.

The wannabe dictator for life, Der Trumpenfuror, went full-on hero worshiping, as he glorified the Hungarian strongman who has nullified popular elections in the country he controls.

  Former President Donald Trump hosted Orbán at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. “There’s nobody that’s better, smarter or a better leader than Viktor Orbán,” Trump said at the time. “He’s fantastic.” Yet Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) last week called on members of his party to be wary of supporting Orbán, but J D Vance, one of the ass kissing minions  who are slobbering over the VP spot, voiced his approval of the Hungarian despot. Sen.  J.D. Vance  (R-Ohio), a top contender to be  Donald Trump ’s running mate in the 2024 election, on Sunday said the U.S. “could learn from” Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, the far right wing dictator who took control of his country’s universities. OMG! This is the direction of the formerly respectable Republican Party? Thanks again, to Rupert Murdoch and FOXNews, where if it doesn’t fit their Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD format, the gullible, ignorant sheep, who THINK they’re informed, won’t hear or see it.

The lying piece of crap just never stops, as he now says he WON Minnesota in 2020. And his gullible, ignorant minions probably believe him, cuz they get their ‘news’ from Republican Propaganda Outlets.

 Same old shit. LIES from a morally bankrupt criminal conman and clueless sheep. Donald Trump falsely tells supporters he won Minnesota in 2020 Gram Slattery Reuters

PLEASE, let the LYING piece of shit take the stand, under oath, cuz we ALL know he can’t stop LYING, and that’s called perjury.

  Donald Trump’s lawyer fighting to stop former president from testifying in trial next week No Way, is the morally bankrupt jerk gonna testify, BUT, he’ll tell his gullible, ignorant minions, ‘I WANTED to, but wasn’t allowed’, cuz I was under a gag order, or some equally ridiculous bullshit. Just wait and watch, for his latest volley of LIES, so greedily swallowed by the morons that don’t give a shit, about that, or the Top Secret docs he stole (and transported where, and WHY?), the election he tried to overturn with fake electors, FIND ME 11,000 votes, and the fact he Incited an Insurrection, based on LIES, not to mention bragging about grabbing pussy and boinking a porn star while his wife was home with a newborn. Party of Family Values my ass. Party of Total HYPOCRITES!

Remember when the Pubs claimed to be the party of Family Values?

 Now the clowns line up to visit the trial of a pussy grabber who boinked a porn star while his wife was home with their newborn. What a bunch of Hypocritical jerks…..

Good place to starve to death, or eat poisoned tissue.


What? I thought it was a just a lover’s spat, with a dude Nancy’s husband picked up in a gay nightclub?

 At least that’s the shit, shoveled to the sheep, from Sean and the clowns at Bullshit Mountain, as the Repub Propaganda Outlet always has a ‘special spin’ to the stories they allow their misinformed, uninformed minions to see and hear. Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, is all that makes the cut….

Just wondering if the MAGA minions have noticed how MANY of Dotards former associates, employees and appointees now HATE him. After serving prison terms, writing dozens of books and from thousands of interviews, the main picture that emerges is one of an array, petulant, spoiled six year old who is totally incompetent.


There has been SO much bullshit cascading from the wannabe dictator/standup comic that it’s hard to pick a favorite, but this one kinda stands out, as Dotard and the clown crew at FOX bitches about the ‘Terrible Economy’,which they would LOVE to take the credit for.

  Just ahead of the 2020 election, Trump   claimed   that a Biden victory would lead to “a stock market collapse the likes of which you’ve never had.” Instead, the stock market has recovered from post-COVID lows ― and on Thursday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average  topped 40,000 for the first time .  Biden’s campaign responded with a big F-U to Trump, by sharing a video of Trump during a 2020 debate predicting that “the stock market will crash” if Biden wins, along with a second video showing Thursday’s record stock high. I guess the typical supporters of Don Shitzinpants aren’t participating in the market gains as they are three months behind on the payments on their singlewide.

Dotard is a total psycho. A frustrated standup comic, without a clue. What, you say? Ha, I give you this….

“ Has anyone ever seen “The Silence of the Lambs”? The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s a wonderful man. He oftentimes would have a friend for dinner. Remember the last scene? “Excuse me, I’m about to have a friend for dinner,” as this poor doctor walked by. “I’m about to have a friend for dinner.” But Hannibal Lecter. Congratulations. The late, great Hannibal Lecter. He’s your boy. You explain his addled brain…

No longer is FOX is the leading candidate for shoveling shit to the sheep, but they’re a close second…


IF you get your ‘news’ from FOX, and listen to Boss Hogg, you know that Bidenomics SUCKS, and the US economy is in the tank.

 But, if you get REAL news you know that the S&P 500, Dow and Nasdaq are at All Time HIGHS, and the US leads the world in low unemployment and recovery from worldwide inflation. It’s time you gullible FOXSheep got REAL news and stopped being so IGNORANT. Never mind. If I gotta explain, you wouldn’t understand, living in a place where ‘news’ consists of Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and Dotard is an intelligent, Christian family man, whose selflessness makes him saintly.

It has ALWAYS been illegal for non citizens to vote. Duh… BUT, that doesn’t stop the dumbass Pubs from continually making fools of themselves, like when Mike Johnson and minions floated a bill to make it illegal.

 Now, the morons in Ohio are following the lead of the jerks(R) in Congress. Why? Cuz the dumbass minions who read the headlines in FOX are totally clueless, as they cheer them on. Same old shit…. Ohio purges 'non-citizens' from state voter rolls, calls on Biden admin for data ahead of 2024 election

Those closest to Der Trumpkof’s trial agree on one thing.

 His ONLY chance at avoiding a guilty verdict is a hung jury. Yup, the guilty bastard’s ONLY chance is if some dumbass MAGA moron hangs the jury. That tells you a LOT about the bag of toxic sludge and the idiots who support the asshole, cuz it makes no difference to them if their boy is a convicted felon, or not. Same old shit from the double digit IQ crowd.

MAGA Mike bent over before his master and couldn’t decide whether to lick his boots or kiss his as, so he did both.

  Speaker Mike Johnson Joins Trump At His Criminal Hush Money Trial Johnson, a devout evangelical Christian HYPOCRITE, is the latest Republican to make a public show of support for the first ex-president to face multiple criminal charges, in the Repub party’s latest ‘rush to the bottom’, as they support a LYING, morally bankrupt, pussy grabbing Insurrectionist.

Let’s see here…We have the bimbo Dotard paid off, testifying he did, under oath, his accountant , who’s in prison for Al Caporn crimes, saying he did, his lawyer, who went to prison for paying her off…we have audio tapes of Boss Hogg admitting it and his signature on checks for the payoff.

 And then we have have the Lyin King saying he didn’t. Duhhh, who ya gonna believe? If you’re a dumb as a bag of turds, like the typical MAGA moron, you’ll swallow the crap from Von Shitzinpants, BUT, if you have a functioning brain, like most of us, you know he’s just a LYING piece of crap, and EVERYONE who watches the trial KNOWS it. It’s only some of us who care, though….

Trump’s getting lazy with his lies. Why not claim he dug the Grand Canyon, or invented cheese?

  Anyone who believes in facts   knows Donald Trump spouts lies   like a high-pressure sprinkler squirts water. But watching him lately, and given the way his supporters believe every dishonest word, I have to ask: Why isn’t this unrelenting dissembler telling bigger and bigger lies? Why isn’t he raising the stakes above their already shocking height? He was on the Jersey Shore this weekend,  spitting falsities with ferocity ,  wholly untethered from objective reality , having the gall to claim he draws crowds like those of New Jersey icon Bruce Springsteen. Yeah, right…. T rump also lied : “These liberal singers, they actually vote for me. You know, like Bruce Springsteen.” Springsteen hates Trump,  has called him “a threat to our democracy”  and has been a vocal backer of President Joe Biden. But, if I gotta explain that Boss Hogg is a yuuuge liar, you ain’t paying attention, OR, most likely, you just don’t give a shit, like all the MAGA morons with ...

The Pibs love to bitch about Hunter Biden, but he was a rank amateur compared to the Trump family who raked in hundreds of millions in ‘new wealth’ while Boss Hogg was in power, and to this day.

  Trump was  a font for corruption while in office . His hotel, located just down the street from the White House, was a clearinghouse for anyone who wanted to buy a favor. His daughter and son-in-law may not have accomplished much as presidential advisers,  but they walked away  from the administration with hundreds of millions of dollars in new wealth.  And six months after leaving the White House , Jared Kushner secured a $2 billion investment from a fund led by the crown prince of Saudi Arabia. Yeah but, says the MAGA crowd, Hunter lied on a gun application…. The Joe Biden corruption/impeachment charges died on the vine, cuz the Pubs had NUTHIN to charge him with. Just a bunch of innuendo from Bullshit Mountain. Nothing new here and if I gotta explain, you ain’t tryin to understand.

Just to restate what I’ve said MANY times here…

 I have nothing against spirituality, BUT, when zealots take their personal beliefs and call it God’s Will, it really pisses me off, cuz we’ve heard it all before, in religious wars for thousands of years….. ‘I know the will of God, and God’s on our side’, even when they follow a LYING, morally bankrupt criminal conman like Boss Hogg.  Am SO tired of these Hypocrites(R) claiming ‘God is on our side’, when they’re just a bunch of gullible, ignorant FOXLed sheep.

As we hear the Pubs bitch about a Stolen Election, based on ZERO facts, while they admit they’ll accept the results of 2024, ONLY if they win, we can see the formerly respectable political party trying to erase democracy as we know it.

 This makes many think , ‘This is the WORST part of modern American history, thanks to Boss Hogg and the moronic minions who swallow his crap.’ Close… IF you grew up in the late 60’s you’ll remember the Viet Nam war, and Tricky Dicky Nixon(R), who sent over 58,000 young Americans to their deaths, with hundreds of thousands wounded and set a country against itself with MILLIONS who lost all respect for their ‘God and country’, as the Christians again aligned with the Pubs, sending those who didn’t agree with their war policy, to prison, or death in Viet Nam, for a political war, to enrich the military industrial complex, in the name of patriotism. Fifty years later, we have them same coalition, (Christian Repubs), united behind a LYING, morally bankrupt, NYC criminal conman, cloaked under the mantle of Christianity, while he boinks porn stars and Incites an Insurrection, steals the country’s Top Secrets and LIES about a Stolen Election in the name of God and country. Excuse me while...

Because of old Joe and his leadership on the economy, the markets are at or near all time highs, unemployment near an all time low (if this same scenario was under a Repub they be screaming from the rooftops), and the US leads the world in combatting inflation caused by COVID and the supply chain debacle as the US emerged from the COVID Crisis made SO much worse by Dotard’s incompetence. (The US, under his IDIOCY in dealing with it, lead the world in deaths, over a million.)

 BUT, I’m gonna have to pick a time to get out of the ‘market’ some time before Nov 6, (to avoid a bigger and badder Jan 6) and transfer even more of my investments to gold, silver and other ‘war safe’ assets, CUZ, there’s NO WAY that Boss Hogg and his rabid, gullible, ignorant hordes are gonna accept the results of the election. They are armed, restless and swallow the crap from an arrogant egomaniac who can’t/wont accept losing, cuz it means he WILL go to prison for past crimes. His only choice to avoid a cell is to win, which ain’t gonna cuz there’s NO WAY he’s gonna add to his rabid base, which was NEVER a majority, as more facts about his criminal past are made public. SO, we’re in for some kind of violent uprising. Take Jan 6 times a thousand, or more. His moronic minions have been primed to swallow his crap and they ain’t gonna be happy when they wake up to reality on Nov 7. Good bye stock market and hello gold bullion. See ya on the flip side….

As part of the bullshit that the gullible ignorant sheep swallow on a daily basis is the crap from Mike Lindell, the My Pillow idiot who has been claiming PROOF of the Stolen Election, for YEARS, although he has offered ZILCH.

 Well, at one gathering of morons, Mike claimed to have paid $1.5 million for Absolute Proof that the Dems had stolen the election and he held up reams of this ‘proof’, promising $5 million to anyone who could prove him wrong.  Well, in a nutshell, a REAL expert did that, fairly easily, showing it was just a bunch if gibberish. A Trump voter proved the MyPillow Guy wrong. Now he wants his $5 million. Now, SURPRISE, Mike refused to pay, BUT, the court is saying he must. Same old shit, from the LYING Republicans who feed on the gullible ignorant sheep who swallow the shit from Dotard, FOX, the My Pillow Guy, Alex Jones, Tucker Carlson, and the entire crew of Bullshit Mountain while IGNORING the sixty plus courts who repeatedly ruled, “There was NO Stolen Election cuz there is NO evidence of Stolen Votes.” Does it sink into the mushy brain matter of the morons(R) who swallow Boss Hogg’s Bullshit? Of Course Not! Thinking and rationality ain’t their strong suits. Swallowing Repub P...

We’ve learned more about Dotard’s scheme to keep from paying any taxes for YEARS in a row, while he was pocketing hundreds of millions.

 In a nutshell, he claimed his yuuuge new building in Chicago was ‘totally worthless’ and wrote off the entire cost, over $650 million, which just happened to cover all the taxes from his casinos, The Apprentice and real estate deals, for years. He then declared bankruptcy on the casinos, skimmed all the cash from them, took tax write offs and stiffed the investors, workers, suppliers and employees, as he pocketed over a hundred million. And THEN, as if that wasn’t bad enough, he continued to use the same Chicago building (that had been declared worthless, and written off as a total loss) to write off over $160 million MORE in losses, for the next several years. This is just one glimpse into the finances of the LYING, cheating, asshole who claimed the LARGEST YEARLY LOSS, in the history of US taxes, and then received money back from the government, for years, while living like a king. While most of us think it’s despicable, because that means MILLIONS of low income tax PAYERS have ...

Because LYING, cheating, jerks(R) like Dotard cheat on their taxes, that means all of us ‘little people’ have to pay MORE.

 Same old shit from the sleazy, slimy, NYC conman. Not that the uninformed, misinformed sheep will ever hear about it, or give a shit. Trump May Owe $100 Million From Double-Dip Tax Breaks, Audit Shows The focus of an I.R.S. audit is a dubious accounting maneuver that effectively meant taking the same write-offs twice on a Chicago skyscraper.

Again, many thanks to Dave H, for this link, today. Is Trump a Fascist? Do you even know exactly what a Fascist is? Take 7 minutes, I beg you, and learn a LOT, from Conservative Robert Reich.

Carol got a new cap for Mother’s Day. It will go well with my t-shirt that has one of my favorite Dotard quotes:

 I know words I have the best words I’m like REALLY smart A stable genius

Again, thanks to Dave, for today’s quote from Boss Hogg, referring to his gag order.

 “ Anyone can say anything they want, but I’m not allowed to say anything about anyone.” No, anyone  cannot  say anything they want.  There are limits on free speech that have been refined in American jurisprudence for the last hundred years or more.   And Trump can still say  almost anything about almost everyone .  His gag order only prohibits him from slandering and threatening members of the jury or witnesses in his trial.   We have become so inured to Trump’s outlandishly bombastic rhetoric – laden with preposterous superlatives and staggering exaggerations – that his statements such as the one above don’t even sink in anymore.  They almost sound “normal” (and for Trump, they are).   But this one, the instant I heard it and thought about it for half a second, made me angry.  It’s the utterly unhinged rhetoric of psychopathic bullies, narcissists and egomaniacs with a God complex.  And it sounds exactly like something a thi...

There’s SO much the sheep will never see, as FOX claims (totally against reality), that Boss Hogg’s lawyers are ‘winning’ in the courtroom.

 Consider the Orange Turd testimony. One of Trump’s defense attorneys in the hush money trial, Susan Necheles, was questioning porn star Stormy Daniels, a key witness, when she pulled up a tweet where Daniels once called Trump an “orange turd.” “Susan Necheles brought the orange turd into the courtroom and kept it there. The questioning about the orange turd went on and on,” O’Donnell told viewers before reading from the court transcript. In the tweet in question, Daniels was responding to a post that read, “Michael Cohen and Stormy Daniels aka THE HUMAN TOILET are their star witnesses.” Daniels replied: “Exactly! Making me the best person to flush the orange turd down.”

Stormy Daniels had a good reply to Dotard, who has continued to curse during her testimony, deny what obviously happened, and LIE his ass off, as per usual.

 “ Real men respond to testimony by being sworn in and taking the stand in court,” she wrote on X, formerly Twitter. “Oh...wait. Nevermind.” The asshole would end up perjuring himself, cuz he’s totally unable to speak for any length of time without spewing a torrent of bullshit, that is swallowed by his gullible, ignorant MAGA minions, SO, his Army of Lawyers will NEVER allow the LYING piece of shit to take the stand. Wanna bet?

Cuz I’m a news junkie, with a lot of leisure time, I continue to peruse a wide gamut of online ‘news’.

 And I never cease to be amazed at how FOX stands alone in their Total Bias toward any and all newsworthy events. If it don’t fit into their Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD format, the sheep ain’t never gonna see it. They have a glitzy, high tech format, with a lot of interesting stories, BUT, they all fit into the Bullshit Mountain strict formula. Dems SUCK, Repubs are out to save the world as they wish it was. IF I believed their obvious BULLSHIT, I’d hate all things Dem too, but I don’t fall for their crap, like SO many misinformed, uninformed sheep actually do Some things never change…..

Must be nice to have a federal judge in your pocket, when it’s OBVIOUS that you stole Top Secret documents, LIED about it, and now have them stored ‘who knows where’ for ‘who knows why’? Remember when Republicans would CARE about a NYC conman stealing highly sensitive military information?


At least RFK Jr has a reason for his irrational behavior. What’s the excuse for the formerly respectable Republican Party?


Just learned/understood something. Dotard has the ‘Christian’ vote locked up, cuz,

 When he raw dogs porn stars, he bangs them in the ‘missionary’ position. Ahhhh, it all makes sense, now…. why those Hypocrites love Boss Hogg.

There’s only one explanation for Judge Cannon’s ruling, (after delaying any rulings for nearly a year), which she gave on the same day as the salacious sex testimony in Trump’s case.

  “After the election, if Trump wins, Jack Smith gets fired, the case gets dismissed, and Judge Cannon is ready for SCOTUS,”   wrote Richard Painter , the White House ethics lawyer under George W. Bush, who teaches at the University of Minnesota law school. This case has long been considered the most straightforward of the four prosecutions of Trump. He clearly took classified documents from the White House to Mar-a-Lago, as the government has demonstrated in great detail, and he then refused to give them back when the government demanded them. Trump’s team, aware of his vulnerability, has tried to argue that there are enormous complexities in the classification of the documents that require months of hearings. A competent, nonpartisan judge — one like Justice Juan Merchan in the New York hush-money case — would have thrown out that kind of nonsense. A novice political acolyte like Cannon uses it like a wrecking ball.