Yahoo! Dotard set another record, after being the first ever president to be Impeached, TWICE!

 Now, he’s the the first president to ever be convicted of a felony. 34 times.

Don’t forget, IF he and his henchmen hadn’t committed these crimes our country would never have been subjected to the arrogant, LYING, morally bankrupt asshole in the White House, as the US became a laughing stock among our former allies, while the corrupt, wannabe dictator kissed up to Putin, Erdogan and other dictators.

There was a time when the formerly respectable Republican Party wouldn’t have considered an asshole like Boss Hogg, BUT, FOXNews changed all that, with their programming that consists of Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, and nothing that deviates from that formula reaches the ears and eyes of the gullible ignorant sheep.

Can you say uninformed, misinformed morons, who think an arrogant, LYING, morally bankrupt, crimson man is presidential material?


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