We’ve learned more about Dotard’s scheme to keep from paying any taxes for YEARS in a row, while he was pocketing hundreds of millions.

 In a nutshell, he claimed his yuuuge new building in Chicago was ‘totally worthless’ and wrote off the entire cost, over $650 million, which just happened to cover all the taxes from his casinos, The Apprentice and real estate deals, for years.

He then declared bankruptcy on the casinos, skimmed all the cash from them, took tax write offs and stiffed the investors, workers, suppliers and employees, as he pocketed over a hundred million.

And THEN, as if that wasn’t bad enough, he continued to use the same Chicago building (that had been declared worthless, and written off as a total loss) to write off over $160 million MORE in losses, for the next several years.

This is just one glimpse into the finances of the LYING, cheating, asshole who claimed the LARGEST YEARLY LOSS, in the history of US taxes, and then received money back from the government, for years, while living like a king.

While most of us think it’s despicable, because that means MILLIONS of low income tax PAYERS have to make up the difference, (because the Repubs tax the poor, to support the rich), his moronic minions thinks he’s cool, for beating the system, where they unknowingly make up the difference, and bitch about the Dems bankrupting our country, while the Pubs shield corporations and the ultra rich to the best of their ability, cuz they get PAID for it. Yuuugely….

That’s what being uninformed and misinformed does for the FOXSheep, as they support a LYING, morally bankrupt conman, who Incited an Insurrection, stole Top Secret documents, assaulted dozens of women and tried to overturn an election based on Lies, cuz all they hear is Dems BAD—Pubs GOOD, 100% of the time from Bullshit Mountain.

Some things never change.


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