Same old shit from Trump/FOX/Repubs. If/when you LOSE, that means it was ‘rigged’.

 Just like when Donny didn’t get an Emmy for The Apprentice. It’s RIGGED, he said.

And then he lost the 2020 election. It’s RIGGED he/they said, although over sixty courts said BULLSHIT!

Now, he’s found GUILTY, on ALL counts,  by ALL 12 members of the jury, after hearing weeks of evidence, and he/they say the same old shit. 

It’s RIGGED, cuz that’s what the sheep have been conditioned to hear/believe. When they win, GREAT! When they LOSE, it’s RIGGED!

It’ll be the same when they lose in November. They’ll claim, with ZERO evidence, just like 2020, it’s RIGGED, and the gullible, ignorant sheep, who get their ‘news’ from a Repub Propaganda Network will freak out, again.

Wanna bet?


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