Again, thanks to Dave, for today’s quote from Boss Hogg, referring to his gag order.

 “Anyone can say anything they want, but I’m not allowed to say anything about anyone.”

No, anyone cannot say anything they want.  There are limits on free speech that have been refined in American jurisprudence for the last hundred years or more.


And Trump can still say almost anything about almost everyone.  His gag order only prohibits him from slandering and threatening members of the jury or witnesses in his trial.


We have become so inured to Trump’s outlandishly bombastic rhetoric – laden with preposterous superlatives and staggering exaggerations – that his statements such as the one above don’t even sink in anymore.  They almost sound “normal” (and for Trump, they are).


But this one, the instant I heard it and thought about it for half a second, made me angry.  It’s the utterly unhinged rhetoric of psychopathic bullies, narcissists and egomaniacs with a God complex.  And it sounds exactly like something a third grader would blurt out the playground after being admonished by a teacher for verbal abusing a classmate.


And half the country eats it up with a spoon.

What a bunch of morons(R)…..


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