Even though Boss Hogg won a large victory in the ‘totally screwed up’ Electoral College fiasco, let’s not call it a Landslide, or Yuuuge victory.

 The LYING, morally bankrupt grifter and wannabe/future dictator won less than 51% of the vote.

And let’s remember, half of the people are below average intelligence, which explains a LOT.

These people get their ‘news’ from a Republican Propaganda Outlet and never saw or heard most of the bullshit that Dotard said and did.

So, enough of this Landslide bullshit.

The Lyin King had 49% of the American people, (those who were actually INFORMED,  vs Rupert’s pawns), vote against him. 

We just needed ONE OUT OF EVERY ONE HUNDRED people to be better informed/vote the other way, and our country/world/planet wouldn’t be so TOTALLY SCREWED right now. 

Landslide, my ass…


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