Wow, I feel safer already, with a Bullshit Mountain host in charge of the nation’s military. He did serve in the National Guard, though. I guess there weren’t any school crossing guards available, for the position that was held by FIVE different Secs of Defense, all of which quit or were fired, and called Dotard everything from incompetent, a moron and unfit to rule.

 Just the kinda guy the Pubs can get behind.

A DoD official described him as, ‘The least qualified guy for Secretary in the history of the Dept of Defense.’ 

Thanks, again, Captain Bonespurs, puppet master, for picking an easy puppet, for one of the most important positions in the country/world, a FOXNews commentator….

Hegseth, 44, is largely known for his eight years on Fox News, making him an unusual pick to lead a fighting force of more than two million service members.

Hegseth joined the Army ROTC in college and the Army National Guard after graduating, according to a 2022 article in Reserve + National Guard Magazine. He deployed overseas with the National Guard and remains part of the Individual Ready Reserve, and should be an easy mark for Boss Hogg to bully into situations an experienced military commander would NEVER do.

I can hardly wait…


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