Note the last sentence, in the paragraph below, as the MAIN reason Boss Hogg won the election. Cuz the sheep don’t get any REAL news, just the Rupert Network Bullshit.

FOX responded to a brief viewer exodus after Trump’s defeat by desperately renewing its support for him, even knowingly lying about Dominion Voting Systems, which cost them over $780 million. Its evening lineup of Laura IngrahamJesse Watters, Sean Hannity and Greg Gutfeld is all in for the once and future president. MAGA stars like Maria Bartiromo and Jeanine Pirro maintained or increased their roles at Fox, while the network devastated its “straight news” ranks. Fox’s work shielding viewers from damaging revelations about the former president or explaining them away played a crucial role in Trump’s return to power.

Hopefully, there’s a special place in Hell for Rupert Murdoch, the man who ruined a democratic nation, for profit, after learning that millions of people will tune in to ‘hear what they wanna hear’, instead of facts.


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