Some thoughts on Tuesday’s democracy altering catastrophe.

 As an old, retired, white Coloradan, I was shown I don’t have an accurate read on the priorities of the average American voter.

It could have been so different, if it weren’t for old Joe’s ego, that didn’t allow him to admit he was too old and feeble for the job until it was far too late.

And once he FINALLY stepped down the Dems automatically handed the nomination over to Kamala, who didn’t have the experience or charisma for the job ahead.

She dodged interviews and never had a compelling platform, other than she WASN’T Donald Trump.

Her final push was blah….

When asked what she would have done differently than old Joe, she said she couldn’t think of anything. OMG!

There were so many things she could have said, beginning with immigration at the Southern border, which was a catastrophe.

If they’d had an old fashioned DNC, and nominated a stronger candidate, it could have been WAY different.

The Dems gave way too much credence to their far left wing, (paying for trans operations for soldiers?) which is out of touch with the average American.

The Harris campaign never addressed that inflation is a world wide problem, after COVID, and the US is doing way better than most countries, the stock market is at record highs, we lead the world in oil production and unemployment is no problem, among other positives.

BUT, the election basically came down to urban vs rural. Just look at the red maps with blueberries for cities.

And it was the better educated vs not.

Christian believers vs not.

North vs south and coastal vs flyover country.

And men vs women.

A college educated woman, living in San Diego, vs a high school dropout farmer who listens to FOX on the way to his Southern Baptist Church.

Guess who’s voting for Trump?

And there’s a lot more Bubbas than educated, urban women…


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