Brian Williams is dealing with his lie,

which happened on a late night talk show, NOT in his job as a news anchor, and he won't be returning to the news desk at NBC, BUT, Bill O'Reilly who lied AT LEAST five (easily provable) times, as a voice of FOX, just 'blows it off', and the sheep don't give a shit, cuz they KNOW that FOXNews lies, all the time. No big deal. Hey sheep, see any hypocrisy here? Didn't think so. Nothing new here, as 'real' news has a whole different standard (truthfulness, not 'truthiness'), that is WAY different than the crap shoveled from FOX, where lies are part of the plan, for the propaganda arm of the Repub party. And the sheep eat it up, as they always have. I still don't know if the sheep don't know, or just don't care, as long as they get to hear what they WANT to hear. Nothing new here...


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