In the Bizarro world

of FOXNews and Repub candidates, Obama REALLY screwed up, when the govt helped GM and Chrysler, after Bush and the Pubs totally wrecked the US economy. Oh really? If you listen to, and believe these clowns, the 'Socialist' Obama gave tax dollars to some UNdeserving companies. Bottom line, after the Bush disaster, the entire economy needed to be saved, and the Detroit automakers, especially. Instead of throwing them into insolvency, and further wrecking the economy, the Obama administration worked a deal that worked for all, and now we have 3 strong auto manufacturers. BUT, the Pub clowns try to make it look sleazy, as they wanna be in charge again, hoping no one remembers what happened last time. GOOD LUCK. We're not all FOXNews sheep, who don't have a clue about what REALLY happened when the Pubs drove the economy into the ditch, Nothing new here, as the Pubs try to rewrite history. Bottom line, remember 2008, after 8 years of Repub rule, and GW and The Dick were run outta town with a 22% approval rating, for a reason....


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