Been a tough week

for the Obamacare-hating, Confederate flag waving, homophobic crowd, as the Supreme Court upheld the will of the MAJORITY of the people, allowing those who were born gay, (it's not a CHOICE, idiots) to marry and have equal rights. Bad week for the Repub base, BUT, at least they have comic relief as they look at their clown car full of candidates, each one trying to be more outrageously conservative than the rest, in order to win the nomination, at which time they will abandon their 'core beliefs' in order to become electable. I think half of them exist just to make the other half look relatively sane by comparison. C'mon Sarah, hook up with 'The Donald' for the Pub 'dream ticket'. Please....

"Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them."
JOHN G. ROBERTS JR., the chief justice(R)


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