Because it's the weekend

my regular news shows aren't on, SO, while I struggle to wake up, I switch back and forth, avoiding commercials, between CNN and the comedy channel, FOXNews. This morning, the 'talent' at Bullshit Mountain was discussing how they were gonna repeal the 'catastrophe' called Obamacare, when they weren't bitching about the end of western civilization after gay marriage was upheld, by that traitor John Roberts, who abandoned his duties in SCOTUS, cuz, 'he just wants to be liked'. No shit. That's what they're shoveling to the sheep today. As per Obamacare, they're seriously talking about repeal, and the path to that, according the 'brain trust' at FOX, is for the Repubs to push 'one of their many' BETTER health care plans. BUT, what they didn't mention was then all they gotta do is have a Repub prez, and a 2/3 majority in the House and Senate. Pretty likely.... Yet, these jerks spoke of repeal like it was just a matter of time. Nothing new here, from the fantasy world of FOXCrap. No wonder we're at war. It's called fantasy vs reality.


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