The 'real world' laughs at Donald Trump,

who's 'riding shotgun' (2nd place) in the Repub clown car, BUT, the rightwingnuts are loving it, as The Donald puts their thoughts into words. AND, he's 'such a strong leader' which the Pubs love, after having GW and The Dick in charge for 8 years. After which, GDub wrote $860 BILLION in checks (5 times the value of gold in Ft Knox) to keep the country from imploding. And then there was that Iraq thing, based on lies, costing TRILLIONS. Now, FOX is leading the sheep to 'Vote Republican' again. I honestly don't think our country could survive another Repub administration, after seeing what they did last time, BUT, they have the largest voting bloc in history, FOXSheep and the Bible Belt. God help us.....


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