Was a good day,

cuz the Pubs didn't screw up affordable health care for the American people. The Pubs fought Soc Sec and Medicare, tooth and nail, (look it up), AGAINST the people, and have fought in favor of big business making a killing if you happen to get sick or injured. But it's sorta like, 'what's the dog gonna do if he catches the car'?, cuz they have NO plan to replace Obamacare, BUT, they gotta stick to their plan of being the' Party of NO!'.
 I get SO tired of their crap as they are obviously 'bought and paid for' by the one per cent, at the expense of the common people. How can the 'little people' support them, unless they believe FOXLies, the propaganda arm of the Repubs, masquerading as 'news'? What a joke. Sickening, but nothing new here, as the Pubs have no ideas, other than NO! Who falls for this crap? Oh yeah, the sheep.


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