I used to think

that Bernie Sanders was kind of a joke, cuz I had just heard the 'labels' about him, but after seeing him on Bill Maher's 'Real Time', I realized he has a lot of good ideas. As bad as the Dems are, Pubs are even worse, so that leaves 'other', so I'm gonna give Bernie a closer look. Also on 'Real Time, we got to see and hear Ann Coulter, who is such an anachronism, cuz she can sound so intelligent and rational one minute and be a complete whackjob the next. I think most of her thoughts and actions are just publicity gimmicks, as she has the Sarah Palin factor going for her, which is 'fun to look at' BUT, 'what the hell did she just say?', as it's impossible to get TOO outrageous when dealing with her rightwingnut base. Ann is good lookin', but what's up with the huge Adam's Apple? She needs to see Bruce/Caitlan's surgeon....


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