Losin' my religion,

Am gonna bare a little soul here, so be kind, but if you ever felt a desire to 'comment', I would appreciate some input now. All bloggers, I believe, labor under the false sense that other people actually read, and care, about what they write. That may or may not be, but I am realizing, more each day, as the Christmas season is upon us, that I don't have that same sense of wonder, and magical feeling I used to have this time of year. I'm not gonna do the long version, but the condensed story is,,,,, as I see the GOP, the party of God, consistently screw up all the important issues, I don't want any part of it/them. I mean, how can you be so consistently wrong about everything? Continued war in Iraq/ the mideast, hate toward gays, (who were created that way), opposition to a woman's right to choose, denying global warming (come on, now), fighting stem cell research, worshipping Bush, Bill O'Reilly and Rush Limbaugh. Please help me get past this feeling, and appreciate this special time of year. Gonna keep it short, like I said, but that's the main idea. Comments, anyone????


Anonymous said…
This is a hard time of year, especially when we hear the news about continuing violence in Iraq and other parts of the world and we consider that the people in power have little to nothing in common with what many of us believe in. I don't know if it will help, but when I'm feeling a bit hopeless about the state of the world, I try to turn off the news for a bit, get away from the computer & take a long walk. And, especially this time of year, I try to avoid the commercialism (when possible) and focus on how lucky I am to have a roof over my head and close family and friends around me. Hang in there!
Anonymous said…
Forgot to say... God is such an individual concept. I don't think you can equate him/her with the reigning political party - no matter how much they'd like to claim the affiliation.
Fam Guy said…
Well said, thank you...
Anonymous said…
It does always feel like a time of reflection at the end of the year, and it's easy to focus on the bad things. But, you do have to remeber all of the good things that have happened, and all of the friends and family that loves you.
Anonymous said…
Wow-I have so many thoughts it's hard to put into a comment. How many thousands of years do we as a human race have to look back on and "use" God as an excuse to wage war & get people to follow our own selfish nature? What makes you think God approves of the GOP? Because they think so? Look in your heart-God gives us free will to manipulate other people, but I don't think he/she approves. Sorry you're letting G.W., Rush, the GOP, whoever make your life miserable.
Anonymous said…
I think the others siad it really well, but I feel a need to state it as well. You really need to start looking at and focusing on how lucky you really are. This is a time of year to focus on the positive and have hope. You can not keep letting the current politcal status of this country through you into such rage. If you are letting them get to you in this way (esp. this time of year) then "they have won". Start focusing your energy on things you enjoy and things that make you happy (such as the charities on your other post) and you'll feel better.

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