Global warming?

Today, the National Weather Service declared that 2006 was the warmest year on record in the United States, edging out 1998. Hope these guys don't get fired, because the Bush(league) Adminstration calls global warming "junk science" and a "liberal plot". This makes it 11, of the warmest years of all time, during the last 13. I have no problem with debating the science of "why" we;re getting warmer or if it is all bad, that we're getting warmer. The Brits are gonna love it. BUT, to say that there is no global warming???? Only the Bush administration could come up with that crap.....


Anonymous said…
what's with the freezing cold photo & talk of global warming??
Anonymous said…
Have you and Carol watched Al Gore's "An Inconvienent Truth". I thought he did and excellent job and we enjoyed the movie! Heart breaking at times!
Fam Guy said…
No, we haven't seen it yet, but it is on our Netflix que. Have heard great things about it and am looking forward to it. How's the birthday week going?
Anonymous said…
Birthday week is going okay. I made Don Italian Lemoncella martini's lastnight and we watched this horribly stupid movie called "Clerks II"! Definetly watch the Al Gore movie and not this one!
Fam Guy said…
Lemoncella was one of our highlights in Italy. Kari even learned how to make it from the locals. We ought to do a big batch someday.

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