OK, some disclosure.

I reported here, about a year ago, that I was buying CROX, at $26. The only stock I've bought in the last year. SOOO, am now saying I bought 'AU', Anglogold Ashanti, a gold mining stock, this last week, at $37, and change. I figure Bush has sacked our economy, for the benefit of his contributors, AND, as this becomes more apparent, to those, 'not paying attention', within the next few years, gold will again be a valuable commodity, as the value of US dollar is undermined by Bush's disastrous policies. And, I figure gold mining stocks will be even more volatile, than gold itself, on the upside. OF COURSE, I may be wrong, but that's where I'm putting a chunk of the $$ I have made in my recent investments, and I'm being upfront now. Win or lose, that's my opinion, and I'm not afraid to share. Bush, and his policies SUCK, but, there is a way to profit from it. Gold will be LARGE in the next few years, and gold mining stocks will be even larger. At least that is MY humble opinion, and I'm not afraid to document it at this time. There may be better places to make the play on gold, but I like AU.....


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